Hit The Pedal, Heavy Metal

Start from the beginning

Sending our love across the pond,

Gran and Gramps

As I finished reading the letter I couldn’t help but tear up a little, I felt so guilty for leaving my grandparents to come to London, especially when I’m so close with them. It never gets any easier being away from them. I felt Harry wrap me in a hug and rub my back.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” He soothingly asked.

“I just miss them, that’s all.”

“Yeah wanna talk about it?” He said as he swiped away a few tears.

“I just feel really guilty about moving to a whole other continent sometimes. I put my happiness before my grandparent’s happiness. In plus, I know my Gramps is having health problems and it hurts when my Gran doesn’t tell me about them,” I simply stated as I pulled out of his embrace and went to slip the rings on. I smiled down at them knowing I had more pieces of my grandparents with me.

“Are you ever going to tell me about the real reason they call you Jet?” Harry asked as he sat down on my couch and I sat down next to him.

“You really want to know? It’s nothing special,” I said and he nodded his head. “Well like I said before they called me Jet because I couldn’t stop moving because of my ADHD, I was constantly bouncing off the walls and dancing. That’s when it initially started then my Gramps would always put me on his shoulders and let me act like an airplane right when I would first see him, but it really came into effect once I graduated high school. I left San Diego to attend Stanford where I dropped out after 3 weeks and moved to Ohio where I leaved for 8 months then packed up and left for London. They call me Jet because I like to travel and constantly be moving.”

“Is that why you are always wearing that airplane necklace?” Harry said as he picked the necklace off my neck and examined it.

“Yeah, they gave it to me when I was 5, that’s when they started calling me Jet,” I told him as I stared at him.

“That’s really neat. How come you don’t go visit them?”

“I don’t have the time to right now with summer being right around the corner, that’s when I’m the busiest.”

“Well that’s too bad,” Harry casually said as he leaned in and kissed me. “Guess you’re just stuck with me!”

“Yay,” I said sarcastically and he just smiled at me. I checked the time and saw that it would be about 2pm in Cincinnati before pulling my phone out. “Do you mind if I call my grandparents?” I asked Harry and he signaled for me to go on. I tapped the name ‘Home’ and put the phone up to my ear as I waited for one of my grandparents to pick up. As the phone continued to ring I watched as Harry ran around my apartment with Sage hot on his heels.

“Helllllooooo?” I heard my Gramps saying into the phone and I quickly averted my attention back to the phone call.

“Sorry Gramps! I was distracted!”

“It only took me a minute to get your attention, Jet, what are you doing!” He exclaimed with happiness, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Nothing, sitting around my flat. How are you doing?”

“My hearts still kicking so I’d say I’m doing pretty good!” My gramps stated and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response.

“I’m glad to hear that. I got your package, thank you for the rings.”

“No problem dear. You know you’re always on our minds and when we saw those rings we thought they would be perfect for all of us.”

“They are,” I said as I played with the said rings on my fingers.

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