part 2

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at the beach-*EMILY’S POV*

Madison and I were walking behind Jason and Ciara. Mikey was with Melody building sand castles and playing in the water. I found it so cute what Jason was doing to Ciara. He made a short song about her and he told her he was going to write the whole thing and record it so he can put it in his new album.Ciara laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “The sun is going to down, do you want to lie down and watch the sunset?” madison asked. Madison ran to mikey and brought back a towel. All of us took off our shoes and lay down on the sand, all except madison. Madison lay on the towel with his shoes still on. I had forgotten. He hates feet and sand. There was no one on the beach. It was quiet with only the sound of waves and Melody laughing, but it soon ended and it was only waves.i looked up in the sky, the sun was almost gone. Madison put his hand under my chin and tilted my head towards him. He leaned in and gave me kiss. Right away once his lips touched mine, I felt electricity running up my spine. He brought me closer to him. My body felt loose as if i were a rag doll and was being controlled by him. His cologne made seem even more like a dream. The smell, the touching, the everything made my body feel weird, but nice.


we finally pulled away. Em not only had good looks, but she was an amazing kisser. I let her lie her head on my shoulder, and the stars and moon came out. I looked over to see Jason and Ciara and noticed Ciara had fallen asleep on top of Jason and Jason had his arms around her. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around Em.


melody had been asleep for a while, and these people wouldnt arrive. I took melody in my arms and walked around the beach until i finally saw them lying on the sand. “Guys its time to head back, don’t want to keep the girls’ parents and layla worried.” i said. “ya sure thing man” madison said as he got up. Jason woke up Ciara and we started to walk to the where the girls were staying. When we arrived, Em had a tear slid down her face as she hugged Madison goodbye. Ciara was half asleep half awake. Jason kissed her on her forehead and gave her his number. She took it from him and gave him a goodbye kiss. I said bye to the girls and winked at Ciara and said, “next time, you're mine.” and the boys and I walked in the darkness to our home. With me carrying Melody and jason and madison texting their girls.

? do you think the boys and girls should see each other again? does Ciara still have feeling for madison? Does Ciara plan on cheating on Jason for Madison? will madison and jason cheat on the girls?

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