"I understand," Aw'endo said, not meeting Inai's eyes. A sign of respect among the k'nairi. A sign that he accepted Inai was the more dominant, the one in charge.

Ryraso looked at Inai and gave him a thumbs up to let him know Aw'endo was being good. Inai winked at him to show he remembered the lessons Ryraso had given him on k'nairi etiquette. There were a few hundred k'nairi who served the Namya, having blocked themselves off from the link. Inai had needed help with them as well as help dealing with Tai'ray and his mates occasionally. It was one of the few times Ryraso had shared his knowledge about the k'nairi freely with anyone but Isst.

Walking forward, Inai placed a hand on Aw'endo's shoulder, making the young k'nairi look up at him surprised. "You are a prisoner here, make no mistake but as long as you behave, you will be treated as a guest. For now, rest. No doubt it has been a long day," Inai's voice was calm and gentle.

"Yes sir," Aw'endo nodded, briefly looking into Inai's eyes. It wasn't for long, but Ryraso knew it was all Inai needed to form an opinion on the boy. For the High Priest to see him for who he really was, a skill granted to him by the Gods. A skill which had served him well over the years and unnerved more than a few people. Ryraso had lived more than a decade dealing with people in the link to be unnerved by this, however.

"I think that is a very good idea," Ryraso nodded.

Inai smiled, liking what he saw in Aw'endo, "Then good night, to you both," Inai said, giving Ryraso a look which clearly said, 'You need sleep as well.'

"Night Inai. And don't think you're getting away that easily. Tomorrow I want you in here for a checkup," Ryraso growled, not forgetting the fact Inai hadn't been looked over yet.

Inai froze before nodding stiffly, making Ryraso's eyes narrow. He knew a guilty conscience when he saw one. Aw'endo watched amused as the High Priest fled from the room taking advantage of Ryraso's little mercy. Isst chuckled before following after him.

"Night child," Isst smiled at Aw'endo. "We will be seeing more of each other. Ryraso told me a lot about you and I am very pleased to meet you." He nodded slightly.

"You too Isst!" Ryraso called after the man before he could disappear.

"Yeah yeah, night Ry," Isst saluted teasingly before leaving himself.

Shaking his head, Ryraso pushed Aw'endo forwards and out of the room, turning the lights off and locking the door behind him. No one else would be using it after all and he didn't want Eyeri to try to sneak in and do some more studying again.

Aw'endo clung to Ryraso's arm as they walked through the corridors. Luckily, by now, the corridors were mostly empty. The crew members either at their stations or in their own rooms asleep. It was late, Sayskel having called and woken Ryraso up mid afternoon. Still, though he had only been up a short time, Ryraso felt exhausted.

When they finally reached Ryraso's room, Aw'endo finally let go of his arm. Sitting gingerly on the double bed which took up the majority of the room. Ryraso pressed a button and part of the wall slid back to reveal a closet. Throwing his old clothes in a hamper in it, Ryraso changed into a large white top and left his boxers on to sleep in.

"Ryraso..." Aw'endo murmured, shuffling uncomfortably.

"I have something for you to sleep in, don't worry," Ryraso sighed as he pulled out some clothes for Aw'endo, who took them gratefully. Ryraso fell onto his bed as Aw'endo changed, getting into a comfortable spot to fall asleep, knowing Aw'endo would happily sleep on the other side of the bed. Few k'nairi liked sleeping alone. What he didn't expect was for Aw'endo to curl up next to him and keen for attention like he was much younger than he really was. Pulling on him lightly.

"Ryraso," Aw'endo moaned lightly. Ryraso knew what he wanted. Ever since Aw'endo was little, he had crawled into Ryraso's bed looking for someone to hug as he fell asleep. Ryraso would have hoped he had grown out of it by now, as most k'nairi did, but apparently not. Ryraso turned over and let the boy curl into his arms, nuzzling him slightly.

"You are such a child, how did you pass as an adult?" Ryraso teased, but Aw'endo only hugged tighter, his wings wrapping around Ryraso. "Honey?"

"Missed you," Aw'endo murmured.

Ryraso bit his lip, he didn't like the sound of Aw'endo's voice sounding so sad. The tone was one of a lost child. He had always assumed the royal triad had made arrangements to look after the boy but it seemed he had been mistaken and Aw'endo had paid the price, "I missed you too kid," he murmured truthfully, hugging him close.

"Don't leave me again," Aw'endo begged, looking up with big eyes at Ryraso, who smiled sadly at him.

"I can't promise that Aw'endo and you know it," Ryraso whispered. This was war, there were never any true guarantees that he would be able to stay with the boy, "But whatever happens, I do care for you hatchling."

"Ryraso..." Aw'endo let out a sob, burying his head in Ryraso's shirt. Ryraso could only lay there and hold the boy as he sobbed. Wishing that the war never existed and that he would be able to return to that tree top city more than ever. He felt Aw'endo's muscles relax as he fell asleep and let himself drift. Only wishing to sleep and find the energy to face another day.

Then there was pain. Spreading from his temple and into his heart, making him cry out and struggle to breathe. Something was wrong.

Bird of a Wing (Bow 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora