Chapter Two: Who Is That Girl?

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The picture is of Blade played by Colton Haynes

© Amber Hardy. All Rights Reserved

Temporary Memories

Chapter Two: Who Is That Girl?


“Oh. My. GOD!”  Chelsea screeched, I was pissing myself laughing, her face was comical! If you’re wondering what just happened, me and my best friend, and beta, Xavier decided to balance a HUGE tub of flour on the top of the, slightly ajar, kitchen door. My much-loved sister, Chelsea, then decided to walk through the kitchen door and... Well, you can guess what happened from there really. All I will say is, she now looks like a ball of walking cake mix. Her mouth was parted, her face was outraged and- gulp, murderous... Uh oh. “You’d better freaking run big bro”  Aww shit.  She was mega pissed... “Blade...” Xavier gulped, “Yeah?” I replied, even he was scared. “Should we start running?” Chelsea decided to make a shriek of pissedness- nice word... that’s now in my dictionary. She glared at me and Xavier, she opened her hands to reveal two large eggs, her glare turned into a mischievous one.

“Hell Yeah”

An hour later, me and Xavier we’re covered from head to toe in egg. We were both angry, but, as we are best friends, we both looked at each other and burst out with laughter; tears were running down our faces as we rolled around on the floor clutching our stomachs. Chelsea joined in a minute later, by the end of twenty minutes our laughing fit had died down. I wiped my eyes, still chuckling to myself, that’s when my dad decided to walk in, and he did not look happy. But I guess if anyone walked in on three young adults, two of which crying on the floor, covered in cookie dough, egg splattered up all over the walls and flour all over the floor of their kitchen, they wouldn’t be too happy either. “What the hell happened in here?!” He shouted then glared at Xavier, “Did you try to bake cookies again?” He growled pointing an accusing finger at him, Xavier just put on a face of horror, “What? NO! And that was only one time! And it was an accident!”

“Xavier, babe, most people know not to add gunpowder into cookies” Chelsea said in a I’m-too-sweet voice, adding a sickly sweet, sarcastic smile. “I thought it would taste nice. You know, give it a bang?” He said innocently, “No, I don’t know. And I though you would have known not too, its common sense”

“How’s it common sense?!”

“That stuff is toxic and goes into guns. Little hint there”

“I never knew it would blow up the kitchen!”

“You never knew that gunpowder, the stuff that only works in high temperatures, wouldn’t have an effect in the oven, which was set to 300 degrees?”

“Um, ha, uh, well, uh... no?”

She rolled her eyes, while me and my dad were trying to contain our laughter. “Well I’m gunna, I’m gunna just... go?” Xavier said, he said it more like he was asking a question. He looked at all of us, his face still bright as a tomato from his previous banter with Chelsea. “Uh, yeah, bye!” Then he sprinted upstairs, “I’m gunna go too bye!” Chelsea then said and followed Xavier. I turned to my dad, his face was now serious, his eyes were hardened and his muscles were bunched and tense. “What do you think you’re doing Blade, huh?” Closing his eyes, he shook his head in disappointment, “Your alpha now, hell! You’ve been alpha for over a year now! You need to get you game together son. I didn’t pass my title down to you, only for you to act like a bloody child! I need to see improvements, and I need to see them soon, not only for the sake of me, your mother, or your sister, but for the sake of your pack! They look up to you; they want you to lead them, to help them. Your alpha. Start acting like one.” He gave me one last meaningful look before leaving.

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