Chapter 16: Madeline

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  "Yeah, sure," Emma responded.

  We all got up, throwing our empty Styrofoam cups in the trash can by the benches.

  We started walking towards the car but immediately stopped when everyone's - and I mean everyone's, even a Bob across the street - phone started beeping as if it was an Amber Alert or severe weather alert. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, reading it. It read that Los Angeles, California all the way up to Lancaster (I HAD TO, it's a real place, Maddie), California were in an immediate, unpredictable earthquake warning. 

  "Oh my God," I quietly said, putting my hand over my mouth as I kept my eyes locked on the tiny screen tightly held in my hand.

  Rose questioned, "What's going on?" 

  And then the screaming and the crying and the yelling and the running and the people pushing past others just to save their lives and the children screaming for help when they couldn't find their parents and the sirens  - - it all started.

  "Are we going to die?"

  I felt my heart sink as soon as Rose said that. I was left speechless, and my eyes started watering. I felt my face turn red already. "Rose, I--I," is all I said.

  Bailey grabbed her by her face and said, "I will never ever let that happen to you or anyone else. You are not going to die, Rose."

  I looked at Bailey, at Rose crying, at how Bailey's such a great sister that anyone could ever have, and I'm over the moon grateful to have her as my sister.

  Bailey pulled away from her and started walking away. When the ground started shaking, she looked back at us and yelled, "Run!"

  And so we did. But Rose didn't. She didn't understand. She was oblivious of everything that was currently happening. I looked back at her while everyone stopped. I said, "Rose, run!"

  She did but not fast enough. The ground started shaking even more, and it started forming cracks where Rose was standing, immediately splitting the whole road as Rose fell, catching herself on a piece of rock trapped in Earth's soil. 

  I ran to her, even though Alexis grabbed on my arm because she knew what I was going to do: Since Rose was way to far down to grab her in arm's distance, I would use my powers. But Alexis didn't want anyone to know about my secrets and me, and I don't blame her. But I couldn't care less if I died saving one of my friend's or family member's life. In an instance, I clutched her left hand tightly and let go. She screamed in pain, but how does that even hurt for you to scream? I didn't even see if Kyle, Lucas, Bailey, or Emma ran to comfort her.

  I do actually use my powers to get Rose on the ground. She skinned her knee on the ground, but she didn't care. Instead, she stared at me, like I was some kind of monster. She was afraid of me, of course.

  "Rose," I whispered. Surprisingly, no one ever saw me, even the cameras. Because the ground started cracking, security camera posts fell to the ground. "Rose, I can explain, but we have to run... Right now!" We run, all of us, fast. 

  But I stopped; now I know that I shouldn't have. I saw a young girl who was standing in the distance, probably searching for someone. 

  "Guys, there's a little girl over there," I said, pointing at the ten year-old dirty blonde haired girl dressed in all black and standing by the bridge. I walked over to her. 

  When she saw me, her eyes widened. "Oh my God. You're--You're Abigail."

  "I'm not Abigail. I'm sorry" I said, confused.

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