"Correct!" Said Caroline happily.

"Hi, I'm Sirena, Pixie of The Elements." Sirena said coming over to me.

As soon as she came over to me, we were both silhouetted by a bright aura.

"What's happening to them?" Asked Michaela.

"They are bonding. Once a fairy and their Bonded Pixie meet, they bond by sharing each others magical essence." Said Tiffany.

"Thank you, Nick, you have restored my power!" Said Sirena.

"Restored, what has happened to you?" Asked Daphne.

"The pixies have been drained of our powers, those twins have drained us when they attacked our village. Thankfully we protected it." Said Tiffany.

"The rest of you come forth and bond with your Pixie. Please." Suggested Daphne.

The others bonded with their Pixies. Michaela's bonded Pixie is Caroline, Alexis's is Tune, Pixie of Manners, and Dove's is Celeste, Pixie of Weather.

"Tiffany, if you go to Galatea Academy, there are more fairies to bond pixies to , to help restore your powers." Said Daphne.

"Thank you Daphne." She replied.

"We will go with you on your journey, we can help you in your quest." Said Tune.

"Thank you so much." Said Dove.

"Well then, I guess we should set out to our next destination." Said Daphne.

"Goodbye and thank you!" Shouted Tiffany as we went back to our balloons.


We were sailing next to Africa, it seemed like an odd route but the Pixies said it was the way to take.

We each really got to know eachother on this trip.

'Alexis and Matt'

"So your the Fairy of Music?" Asked Matt.

"Yes, and your a student at the Magix Defence school." She replied.

"Ok, let's not make this weird!" Said Matt.

"Ok, have you heard of this awesome new music group from Melody?" Asked Alexis.

"You like KMT?? No way!" Said Matt.

"They are the best group I have heard in a long time, all they have out is these dumb little boy bands. I like how original they are." She said to him.

"I have some of their music on my iPod, wanna listen to some of their music to pass the time? I mean if you want to?" Said Matt, moving closer to her.

"I'd love to. I am the Fairy of Music after all. I can even amp it up a little." Alexis said, using her musical modification spell to make a sound system in their balloon.

'Michaela and Josh'

"So, do you have any other things you like to do? Besides saving the world?" Asked Josh sarcastically.

"Yes, I actually wanted to go into Law before this." She replied.

"That's cool, I like to do a lot of event planning on my spare time. I took a course on it over summer break last year. I find it really fascinating." Said Josh.

"Seriously?" Asked Michaela.

"I know it's lame..." Said Josh shyly.

"No, it's awesome. I didn't think many people liked that other than me." She replied back with a smile.

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