Chapter 1

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It was 6:30 on a warm Tuesday morning, the sun shining down on me as I was walking down the sidewalk to school. Midlane high school was filled with ordinary and some unordinary people. Most of them didn't have a clue about their life, others knew too much. As I entered the school I breathed in the scent of sweaty jocks and hallway. I cringed at the scent and walked to my locker, grabbing my books.

"Hello Eva. Looking fuckble as ever." I heard a voice say. Not just any voice, his voice. The voice I absolutely despised with every aching bone in my body.

I sighed and closed my locker, turning and seeing Louis Tomlinson leaning against the lockers with a smirk plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and propped a hand on my hips.

"Fuck off Tomlinson, your little sluts are waiting for you." I spat and turned around, walking the opposite direction. I mentally groaned to myself, hearing Louis rush behind me.

"Woah woah woah there little lady. Feisty." He bit his lip, smirking while looking at me up and down then back into my eyes "I like it." He added in a low breathy voice.

I rolled my eyes and started walking away to chemistry class. Louis Tomlinson was the most popular guy in the entire school. Big time senior, gives a girl every night fucks them,  he basically cant get anything he wants. I heard got this girl pregnant at a party where he got highly intoxicated, not a pretty memory.

I walked into the classroom only to be greeted by Louis smirking at me from across the room. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, sitting down and looking at him.

"Hey lab partner." He said while smirking at me. My eyes widened and I looked down. "Lab partner? No way absolutely fucking not." I shook my head, refusing to look at him.

He scoffed and crossed his arms "Sorry sweetheart either me or a failing grade. Now whats it going to be?" He whispered, smirking and bit his lip.

I rolled my eyes again, watching his facial expressions and knotted my eyebrows together. "Fine fine." I huffed and turned to him. "But if you even think about touching me, or anything related to that. Ill kick you in the balllsack, got it?" I whisper shouted and he raised both eyebrows, smirking and putting his hands up in defense.

"Alright alright. Geez." He sighed and looked toward the teacher. Mrs. Jones stood there and smiled at the entire class ready to give out our assigned lab.

"Alright class. For this experiment you'll be finding out who's the father of the specific offspring's DNA." She said and I groaned to myself. Great, looking at a bunch of DNA with Louis Tomlinson is definitely something ive wanted to do. As Mrs. Jones handed out the project paper I turned to Louis and huffed.

"Youre actually going to work on this right?" I said and he chuckled.

"Silly silly Eva, of course I am." He smirked and grabbed the paper as the bell rang, getting up and leaning down to my ear.

"Catch you later sexy." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath making me shiver as it crept down my neck. He pulled back and sent me a small wink, handing me a copy of the project paper, walking out of the classroom without a glance back.

After Midnight  (A Louis Tomlinson Lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now