Art From The Heart {Jacksepticeye X Wiishu}

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I was always told that, sometimes, I should take time to appreciate everything that I have because I could lose it all in a blink of an eye.
Because I never really had anything or anyone in my life that I had held dear to me, I never really took this statement seriously.
But after meeting, falling in love with, and losing Signe Hansen, I now realize that the statement I heard over and over again over the course of so many years is completely true.

It's only been two days since her untimely passing and I already feel so lost. Now that she was gone, the plans that I had set in stone have completely crumbled away. All of the plans that I had of spending countless nights drawing and painting pictures with Signe, taking her out on dinner and movie dates, taking her down to the beach so that we could hear the waves crashing on the shore and the sand between our toes, and cuddling in the comfort of either my or her apartment as we talked quietly amongst ourselves were no longer going to become a reality.

Throughout this forty-eight hour period that felt more like an eternity, I've been doing nothing but helping Signe's parents, who flew down to Ireland in seemingly record time after doctors informed them of their daughter's passing, plan and put together her funeral. Even though I met her parents under circumstances that I never wanted to fathom while Signe was alive, they still seemed like they were extremely nice people. Plus, they seemed like they liked me so that was nice, I suppose.

While Signe's parents continued to plan and put together the funeral, I went over to Signe's apartment since I knew that it would have to be cleaned out at some point. Upon opening the door and stepping inside, I had a vision of Signe and I smiling as we each painted pictures. I then saw myself flicking paint from my paintbrush onto her. Almost immediately after I had done this, she did the same thing to me and soon, we were both covered in paint. Normally, thinking about this would make me smile.
But not now.
I could feel tears forming in my eyes and my entire body growing weak as Signe continued to remain in my mind. After a few moments, I somehow managed to suppress my tears and regain strength in my body. Once I had done so, I took slow and careful steps through Signe's apartment, as if I would break something if I wasn't careful enough. As I was walking around, I took my time admiring all of the paintings that were strewn about her entire apartment. While most of them were finished, there were some that weren't. The saddest part about that is that Signe would never return home to finish them and even if someone attempted to finish what she had started, they couldn't make the same way that she could.
And that was because she was irreplaceable.
From this day forward, I would never meet a girl that was exactly like Signe Hansen.
From this day forward, nothing I did would bring her back, no matter how hard I tried.
It wasn't fair.
She did absolutely nothing to deserve the fate that befell her.
Why did she have to leave me to live my life in this cruel and ugly world?

After I finished looking at all of Signe's drawings and paintings, I went over to her desk, which was located right underneath her window, which in turn gave her a perfect view of the city. I smiled a bit as I admired the view, but my smile faded as quickly as it came as I pictured Signe looking at the same view I was looking at right now as she drew, paying close attention to every single detail as she always had done whenever I would watch her draw.
I felt tears forming in my eyes once more, but I quickly shook my head to avoid them escaping from my eyes, just like I had done last time. After I was sure that the tears were gone, I looked down at Signe's desk to see what she had left behind after she had to go into the hospital for, unbeknownst to even Signe herself, her very last visit. Scattered all around the entire desk were crumbled up pieces of paper that were, upon closer inspection, a bunch of unfinished drawings. Upon seeing what they were, I unfolded every single one of them one by one and smoothed them out on the surface of her desk as best as I could to try and get them in the possible condition that they could be in. After doing so, I noticed something else that was laying in the middle of her desk. I could tell just by glancing at it that it wasn't a drawing. My curiosity was immediately piqued and I set all of the drawings that I decided to take for myself to the side as I sat down in the chair that was right by her desk. The first thing I noticed was that her handwriting, just like her, was beautiful. Everything from the way it flawlessly flowed from one way to another to the way that each letter was formed so beautifully was absolutely perfect. I had never seen handwriting even half as good as hers in the twenty-seven years that I've been alive and my handwriting, which I considered to be decent at best, was horrible compared to hers.
Nonetheless, I managed to pull myself away from admiring her wonderful handwriting and start focusing on what she had written on the several pieces of paper that seemed so out of place from the scraped drawings and cacti that she had laying on her desk. But the fact that it was so out of place from everything else only piqued my curiosity even more and I soon found myself immersed into what Signe had written down.

Art From The Heart {Jacksepticeye X Wiishu} (Sequel to Breathe)Where stories live. Discover now