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It always comes back to him
It always come back to his smile
His empty promise
His hands that squeeze like a vice in my heart
I can't breathe when he's mentioned
"I'm not sure if I love you anymore"
I'm sure you can't since I still can't
"I'll come back soon, I just need space"
How much space do you need, darlin? Two months?
Separated from my body they made me
Completely to their mercy
By them or by myself?
I can't distinguish the scars anymore
My heart burns for you still
If you came back and told me to kneel at your feet,
I would snap my back doing so
You say "jump"
I, most completely enraptured by you, will reply "how high?"
How long will I have to wait for you?
To apologize
To come back
To fix it
To tell me that I wasn't worthless
To tell me I wasn't just cheap amusement
Tell me, turtle dove, when you said it wasn't my fault,
Where did the lie begin and stop?
And you, my dearest, when did you think to stop yourself?
Well, to the both of you,
I'm a good silent Bitch now.
Congratulations on my complete and utter submission that you stole.


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