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You say you're going to be there

but when i need your gone

You say you always careing bout me

But you leave me behind and dis me off

When you need me I'm always there

But all you do is crush my hopes

When i look at you

You look away and laugh

Then when nobody is there

You look for me

When I'm alone and call you over

You walk away like im your trash

Im alone when i cry

Yet I'm there when you cry

Im alone when i hurt

Yet one scratch and im rubbing your back

Im alone when i cut my wrist open

And yet i save you from sadness

When I'm there dying

you're always off knowing im dead inside

When I'm there getting beat on

Your finally there laughing

Why do i even care for you

Why do i hold your shivering shoulders

Why do i stop your tears

When you are looking for someone else

To see you cry

Im always there

And you're always gone

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