Chapter 10 - All good things must come to an end...

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"So that’s all I was...." when they finally came, her words were a whisper, as she moved away from the table.

"You knew that’s all that was going on here. We go back to London, to our own lives, and our own worlds. Let's be truthful here, we are from different sides of life."

Melissa was struggling to accept this animosity coming from the man she shared so much with, "so nothing changes. You stay in your little castle, hating everyone, full of resentment, never living, just existing!"

He stood, "you have no idea about my life!"

Like another slap to the face Melissa realised that he was right, all this time they'd talked, but he'd not given an iota of personal information away, all she knew about him was summed up in a few observations. 

But they were all she had to rely on now, "I know that you never laugh, you never see more than the next meeting, the next deal. I know that you have blinkers on, that you miss the stupid things in life that we all take for granted! You’re so much nicer when you step back, relax. This," she gestured around the room, "this success is what fires your life is it?"

If her words, her plea affected him Liam hid it well, "I’m the best at what I do, I know that much."

Melissa shook her head, "so you’ll never paddle in a fountain again? Never wander aimlessly like a tourist breathing in the life of the places you visit? Never laugh so hard it makes your eyes crinkle?"

She reached up to touch his face, but he intercepted her hand.  "Would you have me be more like you? Reckless, stupid? Where would that get me?"

She ignored the pain in her chest, the agony that he was right, she'd lost her father's business, but she knew there was more to life than that. "At least I’m honest with myself. I don’t know who or what hurt you in the past, but unless you get over that chip the size of Australia on your shoulder, you’ll live a sad, lonely life, and die that way too!"

"Unlike you! The eternal user! I was only ever a way for you to get money. There was never going to be more. You are everything I despise in a woman. You screwed Porter my enemy, and when he couldn’t help you, you did the same with me only for money! You'll not die alone, I'm sure you can worm your way into another rich man's wallet!"

She reeled backwards at his words, but he pushed on, backing her into the corner of the lounge. "And fair play, you did your best to earn my money! And as sex goes...worth every penny! Very accommodating."

As if to prove that, he leaned against her, reaching a hand under her robe, to slide between her legs. The damp heat, the signs that even now she wanted him, drove him mad, mashing his lips to hers, his tongue plundered her mouth. The pain his words caused was washed away by his touch, the most erotic and sensual experience of her life. When she sighed, and reciprocated the kiss, he backed her up to the wall, and pulled open her robe. Hands groped for only a few seconds before he unfastened his trousers and pushed his way into her. She whimpered as he thrust repeatedly into her. Then grunting he pulled away letting her fall into a heap on the floor.

Melissa heard the door to the suite slam shut, and knew he was gone. It was the last thing she’d anticipated when he’d been kissing her, she had still thought she could change him, but in fact she'd only added to his obvious contempt for her. For the first time since this whole trip had been planned, she really DID feel worthless, cheap, and used... His words had cut her to the core, the lowly opinion of her, but his actions had been the icing on the cake.

When eventually she could stand she showered, scrubbing herself clean, then packed her bags. A phone call to the airline meant she could change her ticket to today for a rather hefty charge. And so the last of her savings disappeared.

She left him a brief note:

"I’m going. I’d like to say it was fun, there was a part that was but then you ruined it......I hope you don’t spend the rest of your life angry and bitter over whatever past injustices you’re hiding behind. A life alone is long and unrewarding."

Melissa had no memory of getting to the airport, and in fact the flight home passed in a daze. On her way home from the airport she called straight to her solicitor with the documentation, and she left all instructions with him to distribute the money to the board and investors, the family and friends who were out of pocket due to her bad decision, as well as settle the rogue loan that had started all this. 

With a clean slate, she headed home. Her apartment had been sold weeks ago, and a call from the estate agent told her she had a week to clear her home. Later that day another call from her lawyer informed her that the deal had been processed. And as Liam had suggested the money for her family and friends arrived by midday. The day after flying home she called into Wharton's to clear her desk. 

Meeting with the staff was devastating, they were more like family and most had no clue that they were being bought out. Melissa took time to assure them that nothing would change and part of the deal was that staff and policies were to remain unchanged for at least five years. More than enough time to see the recession lift and business improve.

By the time she reached her car after dozens and dozens of hugs, tears and wishes of good luck, she was a physical wreck. Starting the engine she waited until she had left the car park before she let the days worth of tears fall in a torrent that at one point she feared was unending.

Melissa had no idea what she was going to do, but Lettie’s parents were traveling around the World, and so she had volunteered to house sit on the south coast, along with three dogs and a cat. It gave her two months to find a way to survive.

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