Chapter 11

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Dallon felt like his world was crashing down around him. And the worst part was that he could tell that Brendon didn't even care. 

Brendon never wanted him. Dallon should never have been so naive, he never should have thought that Brendon actually had feelings for him. 

He was so frustrated that Brendon had this much control over him. Brendon could make him feel happier than he ever, but he could also make Dallon feel lower than low. And currently, Dallon felt like shit. Brendon was talking with Zack and the others like he always did, and Dallon was left out completely. 

The rest of the tour was just short of miserable. Performances were less fun, and all he wanted to do was go home. He didn't want to see Breezy, he didn't want to see anyone. 

Truth be told, he only wanted to see Brendon. But that would never happen again, never in the way it used to. 

The rest of the tour went by the same way. Dallon's sadness soon turned to frustration, and that turned into anger. Pretty soon, he was just pissed off about the entire situation. He ended up telling his wife that Brendon was bad news, and he and Ian had lunch together again, which was basically just so Ian could say 'I told you so'. Dallon had just nodded and gave him a tight-lipped smile. 

The next tour was basically the same. Dallon learned to push his feelings to the very back of his head, and somewhat enjoy what he did again. He started writing music again, lyrics and things that were passive aggressive and also totally about Brendon. Zack and Brendon made it their mission to rip on Dallon as much as possible, and Dallon just shrugged it off with a fake smile.

There was nothing significant about the whole tour, until the very last day. Brendon was drunk, and Dallon was getting ready to leave when he ran into Brendon, who was stumbling towards the tour bus. 

"Sorry." Dallon said softly, waiting for the 'watch where you're going, dumbass' that was sure to come.. but Brendon didn't say anything. He just looked up at Dallon with narrowed eyes.

"I bet you are." Brendon said, and Dallon almost rolled his eyes cause Brendon didn't even have to say that, it was so extra. But he didn't, he just looked back down at Brendon and shrugged.

"Fuckin' dumbass." Brendon went on. 

"Have a good break, Brendon. I'll see you on the next tour, I suppose." Dallon said.

"Why the fuck won't you stand up for yourself?" Brendon exclaimed. "Fucking yell at me! Tell me how much of a piece of shit I am! Tell me how what I did to you was fucked up!" 

Brendon was smacking Dallon's chest with his hands, looking up at Dallon desperately. "You can't just.. let me treat you like this! You have to hate me!" 

Dallon only shook his head. "I could never hate you." Dallon mumbled.

"Fuck you!" Brendon yelled. "You.. you fucking.." The singer broke off, tears in his eyes. Dallon was a little surprised. Brendon was looking at the ground, crying, and not looking up at Dallon. 

"Brendon.." Dallon said. "Don't do this." 

Brendon shook his head, covering his face with his hands. "I'm sorry." Brendon choked out.

"No you're not." Dallon said, grabbing a hold of Brendon's arm gently and leading him into the bus, taking him to sit down on the couch. "I'll see you in a few months, Brendon." 

Brendon didn't say anything, he only watched Dallon through his tears as the bassist left.


Dallon went home and immediately realized how much he had taken his wife for granted. He realized how grateful he should be that he had this family. 

He ended up getting an email letting him know that he had been demoted to a touring member, instead of an official one. Brendon assured him in the email that it wasn't personal, but Dallon knew it was. What other reason would Brendon have for demoting him, besides personal ones? He didn't mind though, part of him didn't want to work with Brendon anyway. He'd play bass for Panic because that's what he liked doing, but he didn't necessarily want to work with him on songs. It just hurt his pride. 

The next record was called Death of a Bachelor. It was about Brendon's life changing with marriage, and Dallon knew it was a stab at him. But he didn't care at this point. He forced himself to be over it, he forced himself not to care about Brendon's shitty personality. 

Brendon was getting even more materialistic and egotistical. He was the only member left in the band, and he did everything himself. He didn't let any of the spotlight fall on his touring members, only on himself. His clothes and house got more expensive, his acquaintances got more famous, he won more and more awards, the record topped charts, he made more money, he spent more money, and he was running a successful solo project.

Dallon hoped he was happy.

you can't predict the end《brallon》Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum