I groaned not so subtlety. Damn it, I was about two freaking centimetres away from the door, the gateway to my freedom from this taunting edifice.  

Taking a puff of air knowing I will have to see what the problem was. (The problem that kept me from escaping, may I add). I turned to see that the textbooks had fallen off the desk and was now currently sprawled across the surface of the laminate flooring.

Seeing as they were not going to magically pick up themselves, I quickly ran over to help Mr. Seabrook, who was already crouched down picking them back up.

I was about to bend down to give him a helping hand but he raised his hand to stop me, “No, no it’s alright Cecília. I’ve got it.” His deep voice spoke, his grey eyes taking a quick glance at me.

I nodded and stood up straight taking a step back. I observed him as he picked up the rest of the books. His fit physic caused his arm muscles to flex as he placed the book back on the desk. His rose, semi-full lips were parted slightly as he drew in breaths. The dark brown stubble that sat neatly shaved under his chin and jaw line matched his mid-cut hair that was styled perfectly on top of his head.

As if they had a mind of its own, my eyes travelled down to his ass. The fact that he was bent over, highlighted his backside and the plumpness of hit butt. His grey blazer was rose slightly, revealing his un-tucked shirt which exposed the rim of his Calvin Klein boxers.

He has a very sexy ass indeed.

Not bad for a guy in his late twenties.

Once, all the books were collected from the floor, he stood up and faced me.

That. That, ladies and gentlemen was when reality slapped me across the face.

Holy shit I Just fucking checked out my English teacher!

My male English teacher may I add.

I began hyperventilating. Fuck, fuck, fuck-

“Cecília? Are you alright you don’t look to good.” Mr. Seabrook questioned, his grey eyes glazed over with worry.  

I slowly released my hands from the grip they tightly hand on my hair and gulped. “I- I- fine. I’ve got to go now bye!” I blurted out, turning on my heel and sprinting out as fast as my legs could carry me.

My eyes were glued to the floor, my arms were enveloped around my chest and my heart seemed to pound at an unhealthy speed.  The squeaking of my shoes was the only source of sound as I made my way rapidly down the hallways.

It’s a Friday and everyone has just had their last lesson, so they were pretty much as enthusiastic to leave as I was.

I didn’t even realize I was walking so fast until I collided into a body. My eyes darted up to face chocolate ones.

Guilt seemed to invade my stomach when I looked at her innocent face.

“There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Melissa spoke, her eyes for of relief.

I swallowed. My mouth was dry and I didn’t have the courage to speak, which resulted with me nodding.

She continued, “We’re still up for your house tonight right? Your parents will be at work won’t they?” She asked, nudging my shoulder playfully.

Oh fuck! I totally forgot about that.

I fiddled with the buttons on my jacket, my stomach bubbling with what felt like toxic gases.

 “You see- erm- Melissa, I’m just- I’m kind of busy tonight so you won’t be able to come.” I stuttered, diverting my gaze to the wall behind her.

Erotica: The Bad Boy Converted MeWhere stories live. Discover now