Chapter 01: The warrior with the warm smile

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It was a cold place, where no footprint can be seen. The storm shows no sign of stopping, the bright sun was nowhere to be seen. The clouds hides every single entrance for the sun’s ray to pass trough. It was strange that the all mighty blaster blade doesn’t know why on cray would he be in this kind of place. He should be at the castle training with the other warrior instead of getting lost in this cold storm, walking to search for a cave. Well, he is bored of never getting into a real fight because there is no humans that ever meet a royal paladins clan before. It’s really out of his character to get lost in some unknown place.

He bit his lips while trying to block the storm with his white sword so he can walk and doesn’t get blow by the storm. He feels his legs is starting to get stiff. Seriously, even the all mighty blaster blade can catch a cold, too. His visions is starting to blur, he can’t even see the way he’s walking to. He doesn’t know what lies ahead. Is it a cliff? Is it an even bigger storm? He doesn’t know and dont want to know.

He then fall to the white and thick snow with a loud thud. His eyes closing slowly as he lost his consciousness. That’s the last thing he remembered.

It was warm. He forgot what’s the last time he felt this warm. Maybe the last time he had rested infront of a campfire. And yes, he is feeling it right now. He was lying on a bunch of dry leaf that keeps him warm. Next to him there was a medium size campfire that’s making him feels warmer. And sitting next to the campfire, there was boy with blue hair and eyes, he wears a brown coat and white shirt under it, he also wears a blue pants and pair of shoes, plus a red glasses. Blaster blade get into a sitting possition and stared at the boy. The boy that was aware of blaster blade’s appearance almost jump of his sleeves.

“o-oh, you’re awake... D-did i interrupt your sleep?” Blaster blade stared at the boy. He is diffrent from the other humans he met before. The other humans will do something like force him to be their units, but.. why doesn’t this boy does?maybe it’s just a matter of time. Blaster blade’s stare gives him chills. “I-I’m sorry!” He bows for an unknown reason. Blaster blade was awkward if it’s something about conversation.      ‘’i-im going to leave, anyway.’’ The boy take his bag that was beside him and prepare to leave the cave into the storm.

“WAIT!’’ Blaster blade’s voice was so loud that it even freeze the boy. The boy shakingly turn his head towards Blaster blade.

“y-ye-s...?’’ sweat of bullets is streaming down from his entire face. The boy’s glasses was shaking out of fear, he looks like he’s about to cry. Blaster blade look at him with a straight face.

‘’....Why are you helping me?’’ the question made the boy eyes widen and his body stop shaking. The answer of blaster blade’s question caught him off guard.

‘’Do you need a reason to help someone else?’’ he answear it with another question, and to blaster blade’s suprise, he was smiling. A soft smile that will never be forgotten by the legendary knight Blaster blade himself. Blaster blade lower his head. Making the situation awkward again. “w-well, I-I’ll be leaving then, heheh.” The boy awkwardly smile and take a step to the outside.

“W-wait!”  again, blaster blade stop him from leaving. “It’s cold outside.” His brain spinning, searching for a better reason to stop the boy. But to his suprise, the boy listen to his words.

“u-uh Y-your right, heheh.” The boy scratch his completly fine head with his fingers. He awkwardly smile and laugh. He then drop his bag and sit down beside the campfire. He continue to awkwardly smile while warming his hands. Blaster blade doesn’t want to have another awkward situation so he decided to start a conversation. It’s very unlikely for him to do that.

“How did you find me?” Blaster blade lower his head, with some reason, he prefer staring at the cold ground for now. The boy trying to remember some things.

“w-well, I was warming myself when i realize there was someone else outside the cave, so i go out and found you lying on the thick snow.” The boy end the really short story. “u-uh, i’m sorry if this too privacy but, m-may i know your name?” the question made blaster blade stop staring at the ground and shift to him. “e-eh, you don’t need to te-“ before he could finish his words blaster blade cuts it.

“Blaster Blade..” he answer it with a really straight face.
“w-wow, that’s an awesome name! Unlike mine..” he said whispering the last words, but good thing blaster blade got a good hearing.

“what about yours...?” he ask the same question.

“u-uh.. i-its A-aichi Sendou.” He really does not like his name, he don’t really know why though. He was ready for blaster blade to start teasing him for a very weird name in a world like this, but no such words ever come.

“it’s... a nice name.” Aichi’s eyes widen as he look at blaster blade and blush deeply. No one ever give him compliment about his name. Infact, he never receive a compliment from anyone.

“u-uh, Thank you.”

“are you a human?” Blaster blade askcatching aichi out of guard.

“u-uh, yeah.” Yes, he is one of hundreds of human that lives in this world.

“then, Will you be our Vanguard?” Aichi’s eyes widen as he look at blaster blade with a confuse look.


Hello There, no one, It's me, Your best friend.


heh, just kidding.

Now if you're wondering. No, i'm not making some Aichi X Blaster Blade Fic. It's an AU where they all live in cray, so... yeah. See ya' later

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