"How did you apparate?" Hermione aksed.

"Ohh nice question. I've been abke to do it since I was 5." I said casually.

"Wow." Ginny muttered.

"Who wants me to make some-" I said but I was cut off by my two bestfriends.

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" They shouted.

"Okay okay sheesh. I'll ask them first because unlike at Greene manor, this isn't my house." I said in a duh voice.

"Wait you have a house? And more a mansion?" Ron asked.

"Sort of. I inherited it from my adopted parents. So technically it is mine. You can go ther by floo powder too." I said. Ron nodded.

"Hey Sirius? Can I make breakfast for those lazy buffoons?" I asked. He chuckled at my nickname but nonetheless he nodded.

"Make extras! I want some!" He said. I chuckled and started on doing my batter. Mum offered on helping in cooking them so I accepted it. I made pancakes that could feed the whole house so I wa spretty happy. I placed the pancakes on the table and I heard running.

"Pancakes! She made pancakes!" Eryn exclaimed.

"Why so excited Eryn?" Hermione asked.

"Because Rose's cooking is better than Hogwart's food. I swear." Draco said. I smiled and said my thank you. We ate the pancakes and I received compliments on how delicious my pancakes were. I excused myself and went upstairs.

I started humming a tune and went in the bathroom connected to my room. I took my bath and put on some underwear. I forgot my clothes so I headed to the closet. But then I saw Harry. He was standing near the doorframe. I squealed. He saw me and stood frozen. Perv. But then he closed his eyes and went outside. He was like Draco in a way. Dorky. I put on my strapless top that was white. I then put on some leggings. I then got my grey blazer and happily wore my outfit.

Someone knocked and came in. It was Harry. I blushed furiously.

"Im so sorry for earlier Rose. God I'm such an idiot for not noticin-" he rambled on and on. I just chuckeld and his head snapped to me.

"You think it's funny hey?" He asked me.

"It's just your rambling and stuttering allover the place." I exclaimed.

"Am not." He said.
"Am too." I said back smirking.
Am not.
Am too.
Am not.
Am not.
"Am too." He siad finally. I laughed and he realized what happened and groaned.

"Hey I'm being serious now. Are you nervous for your trial Harry?" I asked.

"To be honest, it's not just that. Im nervous that anytime soon, Voldemort might attack anywhere at anytime." He said and it launched to a story about the Tti-Wizard tournament. How Cedric was killed and Voldemort wa sthw one to do it. I believe it because Bella's curse were getting stronger and that never happened. I don't want them to know about the scar yet. I'm not ready to show them.

"I still don't trust Malfoy." I hear Harry telling Ron and Hermione.

"I Don't know. I'm pretty convinced Harry.I believe Rose. I trust them both." Hermione said.

"I'm not sure too. It's very unusual for Malfoy to be like this." Ron added and Harry nodded.

"You know it's rude to talk behind someone's back." I said making my presence known. Hermione gulped. Ron didn't budge. Harry looked angry.

"Why? What do you need?" Harry asked annoyed.

"Im sorry I don't need anything. I just wnat to settle issues. What is wrong with you?" I said raising both my hands.

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