Chapter 2 - Gringott's (Part One.)

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Harry woke up the next morning slightly confused, his memory of the previous night was fuzzy and he felt estranged from his own body. As his mind came together he smiled.

He was a Creature, he was stronger and more powerful then ever before, Dumbledore had once more lied to him and he felt free for the first time in his life. He quickly got out of bed when he remembered that he had to go Gringott's that day, this would be the last hour or so of him being with the Dursley family.

Once Harry was dressed he shrank everything down so he would be able to carry it around with him, he then released Hedwig so she would be able to find when he found out where he was going to go from here. Once this was done he went downstairs where he knew his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin would be.

"Boy you better get started on breakfast!" Uncle Vernon yelled, he had heard the footsteps coming down the stairs and knew it was his nephew.

"No." Harry said, this was the first time he felt confident enough to speak out his mind.

Uncle Vernon turned his head towards the door so quickly it looked like he could have given himself whiplash. "What do you me...?" Vernon trailed of when he came face to face with Harry.

"What's wrong Uncle?" Harry said with a smirk that would please the Dark Lord. Harry knew exactly what they were looking at, while he did look a little like the Harry Potter everyone knew he was very different at the same time.

"What the hell did you do?!" Petunia squealed, this was magic.

"I didn't do anything, surely you know all about Creature Inheritance's Auntie." Harry taunted, he had kept his fangs hidden for the time being.

Petunia cowered in fear when she heard this, she had learned all about Creature Inheritance's but Lily had never gone through one so she didn't think Harry would have the problem.

"What are you?" Petunia stuttered, her husband and son looking at her confused but angry.

"I am not sure, I am leaving to Gringott's today to learn that information. But I have some ideas as to what I am." Harry said, he smirked so widely that his fangs were revealed to the Muggle's before him.

When the three Muggle's saw the sharp fangs they ran as far away from Harry as the could in the small living room, they had read Muggle Stories about Vampires and that is what they believed he was.

"Get out! You freak!" Vernon yelled loudly, Dudley whimpered and cuddled closer to his mother who was holding him so tight his chubby face was turning red.

"Oh believe me I am going and I doubt I will be coming back here, however I cannot have you telling the old man about any of this happening." Harry said, he raised his hand and thought about the Imperius Curse. He knew it had worked when their eyes went glassy however they seemed to move around and talk normally, usually when under this curse they became Zombies and didn't talk. Harry would have to look into this matter more.

"When the Headmaster or anyone else contacts you or turns up here you will make an excuse as to where I am. You are not to tell them anything about my Inheritance or the fact I am no longer here. Do you understand?" Harry asked them.

"Yes!" All three Muggle's said at the same time, this seemed to be a more controlled form of the Imperius Curse as it allowed movement and words.

With that done Harry turned and left the door, he closed his eyes and imagined himself outside of Gringott's, when he opened his eyes the large bank was right in front of him.

Harry chose not to question this yet and walked into the bank.

"How may I help you?" The Goblin at the front of the bank asked, he then looked up and smiled a Goblin smile when he saw Harry. "Ah Mr Potter, I see you have finally acknowledged our letters." The Goblin said, he then gestured for Harry to follow him out of the main lobby.

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