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A/N: Since nobody really knows what Audrey looks like, I imagine her as looking like Emma Stone with her short hair.


"Percival Weasley," Percy spit out his name to the woman behind the counter of the motel.

"How long do you plan on staying?" She asked, sounding extremely bored. In all honesty, she would rather be anywhere but here.

"Just tonight," Percy muttered. The woman tossed him keys to room 311, and told him to check his bed for cockroaches, because they liked to come out at night.

Percy trudged up the stairs to his room, and fumbled with the keys before swinging the door open with his foot.

It was cramped: a bed in one corner of the room, a small bathroom right inside the foyer, that didn't even have a door. Good thing Percy was staying here himself. Other than that, the room was bare, with exceptions of the mouse traps and the sticky pads for bugs.

Percy wrinkled his nose in utter disgust. He couldn't believe he was staying here of all places, but Gringotts was closed for the night, and this was the only place he could find that was cheap enough for him to stay for all the muggle money in his pocket. Oh well, it gave him a bed to sleep in, a roof over his head, and a bowl of stale cereal with a cup of lukewarm coffee the next morning.

Kicking off his shoes, Percy slipped into the bed, still fully clothed in his jeans and a sweatshirt his family brought him back from the World Cup a few years ago.

Before he knew it, sunshine was streaming into the room- if you could call it that- through the barred window. Percy rolled over on to his side to check the time. It was 6:49 and since he figured he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now, Percy got up and took a shower. He turned the knob to hot, but the water that hit his back felt like someone was dumping ice water down his spine. He shrieked and turned off the water. He would step out until the water got hot, and then get in, he decided.

After his shower, Percy got dressed in a dress shirt and tie, deciding that he was going to have to impress the goblins to convince them to give him such a hefty amount of money.

Walking down to breakfast, Percy had to stop to readjust his grip on the suitcase. Oh how he would love to use magic to lift them up, light as a feather and carry them wherever he pleased, but this was a muggle hotel, where he could not expose the wizarding world without major consequences.

He pressed a button on the elevator, and slumped against the wall out of fatigue, before he realized there was someone else on the elevator with him. A girl about his age. A very pretty girl.

Percy stood up and adjusted his tie. The girl giggled.

"Why not just use magic? It makes things easier," she laughed, making Percy flinch a bit. How did she know about magic?

"I saw your wand sticking out of your pocket," the girl smirked. Percy reached to his back pocket and cringed. How could he have been so stupid to have it out in the open like that?

"Don't worry, I'm a witch. I didn't just expose us either, I'm not that stupid," she brushed a piece of loose, red hair behind her ear. Her brilliant green eyes looked him up and down, and he adjusted his already perfect posture.

"I'm Audrey," she said.

"Percy," he offered his hand, and she took it, shaking it firmly.

"I'm on my way out. I'm not from around her, but this place is disgusting. You want to show me around?" She asked.

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