Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The week went by fast and soon it was Friday. I was emptying out my locker and talking to my friend Ryder. 

“I’m going to miss you so much.” She was saying.

“I’ll miss you too.” I replied. We hugged and I walked out the back door of the school. I look over my shoulder and spread my wings. Flying was amazing. There’s nothing in the world I rather do.

A few minutes later, I saw something in the distance. Realizing it was coming straight at me I started flying faster. Flying as fast as I could I look behind me. I tried to make out what it was then I realized. What the heck! There was a missile coming right at me. I quickened my speed trying to out fly it. Then I noticed how fast I was going. I was flying 300 maybe 400 miles per hour. I was flying so fast that I left the missile behind me.

When I got home I told mom what had happened with the missile and my intense speed.

“I think I have a new power.” I said excitedly. I already had a power. I had control over the mind. I could make anyone see what I wanted them to see. My mom didn’t like it when I used this power. “It can really hurt someone.” She would say.

“More power comes more responsibility and I’m not sure you can use responsibility with power.” She said.

“I am completely responsible. I don’t use my powers excessively and I keep our secret. I can handle it.” I was slightly offended she didn’t think I was responsible

“We’ll discuss this later.” She said trying not to start an argument. “Why don’t we fix dinner?”

We walked to the kitchen and started preparing food.  Our conversation had been completely forgotten.

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