Weasley vs. Weasley...

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POV: Hermione...

My left leg began to twitch and shake as my legs were crossed. The ball of my left foot couldn't control itself as it bounced up and down rapidly under the table, causing the table to even shake now...

Malfoy suddenly and swiftly placed his hand on my right thigh holding it firmly to stop. We both looked at each other simultaneously as he smiled through his words...

"Relax, Granger. I've got this... trust me..."

He began to trace his hand... taking a risking chance to slowly reach upwards and I was about to smack him, but to his luck, he had already removed it.

The doors opened again as I knew it was Ronald.

I turned around and to my horror, I saw that he was not only with just his lawyer, but with his new fiancé Lavender Brown. They kissed as she said goodbye to him to wait for Ron outside the courtroom.

I whisked around in my seat gasping and closing my eyes trying not to cry. However, I found the strength to inform my lawyer...

"I can't believe he brought her here... To our divorce! We aren't even divorced yet and he's already engaged to her! How can he be so cold?!" I sniffed in disgust as Draco voiced his opinion making me laugh...

"Oh no, that's perfect! Now I can physically use the purple prostitute as propaganda evidence in my act of proving his infidelities and turmoil of her whore homewrecking ways!" He paused looking at me through his mischievous smirk as the wheels kept spinning in his head... "Magenta's repulsive...  I do not have a clue what is wrong with that so-called husband of yours... if you were mine, I'd parade you around as my trophy and take you home and never let you leave our bedroom..."

I blushed at Malfoy's provocative words, that made me actually feel better. I softly laughed as he smiled and laughed with me. It was the first time we ever shared a laugh together. It was the first time he ever made me smile. Our eyes both gazing into each other, putting a bookmark into our memory boxes to remember this moment.

"All rise... in our honorable, Minister of Magic Shacklebolt presiding."

One of the important witches spoke, as we all rose in our seats to seeing Kingsley apparating into the court room, standing directly at the podium before us.

"You may take your seats..." Kingsley softly spoke in a brotherly way towards the wizengamot and us being the magical litigation before him.

"Our case number, five thousand two hundred and twenty-four proceedings of the termination of the Weasley marriage of Mrs. Hermione Jean Granger Weasley and Mr. Ronald Bilius Weasley..." Kingsley looked in our direction again as Draco and I rose again to properly address The Minister in respect, with Ron and his lawyer following suit.

"Weasley versus Weasley... in agreement to conduct in the removal of their marriage and to continue with the division of their assets, as well as personal matters regarding child support and visitation and or custody agreements to our satisfaction."

Malfoy spoke for me.

"Yes, Minister."

I looked at the hatred jealous glare of Ronald darting his eyes at seeing who my lawyer was. I couldn't tell what was more red, his hair or his face...

The rest of the afternoon our proceedings went moderately and decidedly smoothly. Malfoy truly was incredible and I thoroughly enjoyed watching his passions in the courtroom. He fought for me unlike any man has ever done.

That is until, Ron didn't want to give me our house, but Malfoy of course, wouldn't stand for it. And his defensive cunning barrister ways, came out even more so, at full speed ahead... Malfoy proved I needed a home for our children to raise. That they needed a stable home to have familiarity. They were born and raised there and after what Ronald had put our family through, the least he could do was let them stay in their home with their mother.

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