We need to keep up the good looks, did not you see the women in the store taking pictures of us? Haha this is going to be all over on the internet.- he took my hand and kissed it lightly.

And now? What's the next step? -I asked, afraid of the answer.

Well, the news is spread among the women, now we need to spread among the men, we are going in a place where many friends of my father meet.

20 minutes later ...

There are a lot of business meetings here, so it's going to be perfect.- he said.

This is beautiful jungkook- I said admiringly.

I felt a little sad that I was not really enjoying this with my boyfriend, it was more of a business than a date

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I felt a little sad that I was not really enjoying this with my boyfriend, it was more of a business than a date.

Hey, what is going on? -He asked, turning my face to him.

Nothing ... It would be better if we were here for other reasons.

We've got a lifetime for this, and I'm going to take you to more incredible places than this, but for now ... I'm sorry - he said as he guided me to the table and pulled the chair up so I could sit down.

I shook my sad face and smiled.

It's all right! Let's continue ... -I said.

We were waiting for the food to arrive.

You looked pretty serious about the wedding thing in the store- I said as I drank some water.

And I was- he said seriously looking at the menu.

I spit a little bit of water that was in my mouth.

Han? -I wiped my mouth with the cloth napkin.

I want to marry you yuju, for the first time in my life I am sure of what I want, I have confidence in a person and I know that I will be happy with you, so why would I be crazy not to want to marry you? You're amazing, beautiful, smart, determined, and a fucking  incredible woman, I'd be an idiot if I let you slip in to another man's arms.

I did not know what to say, I just felt great joy, not for the wedding itself, but for knowing that that playboy who was afraid of compromise had now changed, and wanted something serious without fear of risking it.

I held his hand and he looked at me.

I love you ... A lot- I said, smiling.

He smiled and took my hand to his mouth and began to give me several kisses in every part of my hand.


After eating and talking to some partners of jungkook's father, they apparently liked me very much, or at least my legs since they did not stop staring at them. We got in the car, I saw that it was already dark when we left.

Where now? -I asked.

Finally, now we need to spread the news to people of our age, and seriously, in a faster way, where everyone has cell phones ready to post anything.

15 minutes later ...

a club of course...

Now let's go to the interesting part, My friends-jungkook took my hand and dragged me to the crowded party

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Now let's go to the interesting part, My friends-jungkook took my hand and dragged me to the crowded party.

From afar I saw the boys, v, jimin, yoongi, my cousin, and a few other boys I did not know, all accompanied by beautiful women.

We sat on the sofas next to the expensive drinks, everyone looked at us and smiled, the women would look at me analyzing, and the men looked at me with desire, taking the boys who were already accustomed and knew the plan.

well well well! look who was captured like a small and defenseless pokemon, the great playboy jeon jungkook- a boy with black hair said, he looks a little with jungkook.

Jungkook laughed ungraciously and gave his friend a hug.

Honey, this is yugyeom.-  he introduced me.

The boy reached out my hand to shake it, but insted he took it to his mouth and kissed it.

I'm delighted- he said, looking at me.

Hey hey relax, and take my girlfriend's hand out of your mouth.-Jungkook laughed.

So it's not just rumor? -Yugyeom asked in amazement.

Jungkook shook his head and grinning took me to show me to the rest of the table. There were many names but I think I got it, jackson, mark, jb, yugyeom, jinyoung, youngjae, bambam, all very handsome, and well ... all playboys.

As I tried to remember everyone's name I realized that everyone was looking tense at someone behind me.

I looked back nervously ...

oh No ... Shit.

Suzy was behind me smiling, but she was not alone, she was in the arms of a very handsome and much older man.

Dad? - jungkook asked in shock.

Living with playboys 1|+18|ENG version.Where stories live. Discover now