Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

“Fine I’ll let it go for now, but you will tell me what is going on, and if you can’t tell me tell your mate. I know he will be willing to help you.”

“I know Darren; I just don’t want him to worry about me. I can take care of myself”

“Fine, let’s get out of here” he suggested, holding out his hand to me.

“Wait I have to use the ladies room first” I said walking in the direction of the bathrooms. I stood in front the many mirrors in the room just staring at myself. I ran my hand over my face feeling the weight of the situation finally setting in. I know that he was coming for me; sooner or later I would have to face him.

I’m actually hoping for the latter.  My wolf murmured in my head.

I agree with you for once.

I looked at my reflection once more only to gasp at the man who stood behind me. His black eyes pierced into my blue ones, running down my face and then meeting my eyes again. A vicious smile spread across his face when he noticed the fear plastered on my face. The pink scar glinting in the fluorescents, giving him a rugged and sinister look. “My dear Adelina, it is so very nice to meet you again” he greeted, his deep voice echoing in the empty restrooms. 

“Can’t say the same for you” I muttered “Coming into the female restroom is not really helping your title of a pedophile and pervert”

“You won’t be sounding so brave when you’re captured” he said.

“What do you really want from me? I have done nothing to you, I don’t even know you but you’re hell bent on having me captured”

“Ah but it doesn’t matter if you know me, the important thing is what will become of you when you’re under my control” he pointed out.

“What you’re going to kill me? Why don’t you just do it now, and save yourself the frustration of doing it later”

“Believe me, killing you won’t bring any gratification. How would your mate feel if you were killed?” he taunted.

My wolf snarled angrily “Don’t you fucking bring my mate into this. He has done nothing” I screamed in anger.

“Oh I know. Your mate and I go way back” he teased. “Peter Grayson, such a lovely young man.”

Hearing him talk about Peter like that made my anger flare uncontrollably. On instinct my hand reached out and connected with cheek. The slap ricocheted off the walls, and an eerie silenced followed. In a matter of seconds I was held by my throat against a wall.

“Listen here little girl I’m in charge of this game. You do as I say and you won’t get hurt. How would poor Arianna feel when she no longer has a sister at her side? She just got you back”

“You don’t know anything about me or my family” I spat.

“Oh but I know everything” he teased “Even when I’m not around I have eyes on you. You should not trust everyone that comes into your life Adelina. They may be on the bad side”

“Leave me the hell alone” I forced out fighting to get oxygen into my constricted airways.

He released his hold on me, chuckling darkly. “You will be mine Adelina. I can’t wait to see you again” he said turning to leave.

“Why don’t you just take me in now? You have me in your grasp” I pointed out.

 That is not a really smart thing to say, do you want him to take us, without even getting to see our mate before he gets to us  My wolf asked

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2012 ⏰

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