Chapter 1: The Creeper

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So there I was just waking up from a long night, and going out to tend to my crops, to see how they were fairing. Before I go out I go to my armor stand and put on my leather armor, that I dyed purple. So I walk out of my house and start to tend to my crops. I was over by my potatoes just getting done with them when I spotted a creeper not 10 blocks from me. I freaked out and realized the only things that I had on me were potatoes, carrots, bundles of wheat, and a stone hoe. I chose the hoe thinking that it wouldn't be very efficient to hit a creeper with a piece of food. I use the technique that my dad taught me, which is running up to it hitting it, and then retreating. I run up to hit him once, and succeed in retreating without having it blow up in my face. Then I go to hit him again when a horde of 4 zombies comes around the corner of my house and into the backyard where my garden and crops are. Not realizing them I go to hit the creeper again, and when I start to retreat I run straight into the pack of zombies losing more than half of my health in the process.

I try to run but the creeper explodes and sends me flying over the cliff to my presumable death. I start to freak but I see a little pond at the bottom of the cliff. I start to make my way over there so I don't die. It was quite hard to try and maneuver myself while falling, but I managed to do it without taking any fall damage. I get up and walk to the edge of the pond and get out. I walk over to a tree and sit down, trying to calm myself.

"I was within an inch of my death, just because of some goddamn stupid MONSTERS" I scream to the empty forest before me. "And now I have to go and make a new house because of the risk of me falling off of the cliff again and not being so lucky to land in the pond". I start to get up when I see my friend James running towards me. I realize that he is as pale as a ghost, which isn't good because he isn't scared of too many things.

"Hey James", I yell, "what's wrong man."

"Dude a whole bunch of monsters just came and attacked my house", he replied. "There was a creeper a horde of zombies and a whole bunch of skeletons."

"Ok that's weird, because the same thing just happened to me when I was tending to my crops, but I didn't see any skeletons."

"Wait so you're saying that we both just got our houses blown up by some creepers, and then got attacked by other monsters. That might just be the weirdest coincidence I have ever heard of."

"Yeah same here, but I know the number one thing I need to do, before I think about any thing else, is go and get my most valuable items and get started on a new house."

"Why would you need to make a new house when the one up there is perfectly fine except for some patching up."

I fill him in on the dangers of living near a cliff, and then we start climbing up the mountain. When we got up there we saw that all of my crops were gone, even though I only got through of picking about half of them when I was ambushed. I decide not to worry about, some explorer probably came by and needed the food so he took it. We step around the crater crater, and enter my house on high alert in case there are any monsters still here. The whole house turns out to be clear so I go to my chests and look in the first one and everything is gone. Even my stack of iron was gone, which took me there days to mine and gather and smelt. I got to the second and third one and there as empty as a newly built house.

"What the actual heck" I yell. " I'm gone for ten minutes and all my stuff just disappears. When we came up here didn't you notice that all my crops were gone" I ask looking at James.

"Yeah", he replies.

"Well when I was ambushed I had only picked half of them. When I saw that they were gone I just thought some explorer came by, saw that nobody was home, took the crops and left but now I'm wondering if what took my stuff was actually an explorer. "

"What do you mean."

"What if something bigger is going on here."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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