Chapter 1

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Hi, this is my first fanfic, so don't expect too much, but if you like it, feel free to comment and spread this story around. - Zane

 (Omniscient POV)

SCREECH! The tires of the old jeep screeched against the moist concrete. "Caroline, honey, do you still have that DNA sample with you?" a male voice inquired. "Y-Yes, Cave." Caroline replied, whimpering. "Come with me." Cave said. Aperture Science Innovators, the logo said. They walked into the building, rushing down the hallway to their experimental DNA research lab. A project by the name of GLaDOS was currently being underheld, and the DNA sample was required to test it. Cave had longed to put Caroline's DNA into GLaDOS, so she could be lived on forever. Cave adored Caroline more than anything. More than science. And that was what worried Caroline. Science was the only thing keeping Cave alive. He was barely human, but we wasn't a mechanism either. He was DNA. No cells. Just DNA. Not only was that a problem, but Caroline was also pregnant with a girl. "Caroline, can you hand the sample to me?" Cave requested. Caroline handed it over, and Cave gave it to the lab worker, who injected it into the robot's DNA memory module. GlaDOS started up, and buzzed, "Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System active."

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