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Why is this happening to me?? To thirst after a white boy.....:'( He's so fuckin talented, though!! I got my fuckin life to Sh/wn's STB Ball set like!! Like listen, when I first became a shawnmani ho, I wasn't whipped for that white boy. I just found my girl and that boy cute as shit together!! Dassit!! My heart belonged solely to Mani while feeling very little for that white boy!! Damn, but now he got me wrapped around his finger.:'( Free me.:'( Lol but anyways, to all tuning into this fic, I hope y'all enjoy it.:) Feedback of any kind is very much appreciated.:)


Yes, there it was! Leigh smiled as she gazed up at the book she had been looking for. She dragged a nearby stool over, carefully stepping up on to it before extending her arm upwards, the side of her hand briefly brushing another book.

There was a white flash. Huh!? Wait, what in the world— S-She was staring at...herself. B-But...that couldn't possibly be her! For one thing, the girl that she was staring at had a really cute fashion sense. It was rather baffling what with her fashion sense normally being drab and boring. A pink jacket was draped over her shoulders, it partially covering the yellow bralette she was wearing. A sparkly, sequined yellow skirt fell down to the middle of her thighs, her feet adorned with light pink heels. And then there was her hair! How she loved her hair! It wasn't done up in its usual side ponytail, instead let loose and stopping a little ways down the middle of her back, beads spread about her hair serving as decorations. Not all of her hair was free, however, a considerable amount of it pulled up into a neat bun atop her head. She had never looked better!

A pair of hands suddenly covered Leigh's eyes, the girl freezing into place, frowning.

"Guess who?"

Leigh laughed at the playful voice, instantly recognizing it. "Hello to you, too, Harry." Leigh smiled when he took his bands back, turning around to face the grinning boy. Her eyes fluttered close as he leaned in, smiling as his lips met her own. She rested her palms against his chest, feeling his hands gently grip her waist.

"Get a room."

Leigh was the one to end the kiss, looking over her shoulder to roll her eyes at her best friend. A grinning Jesy stood next to Niall, her boyfriend's arm wrapped around her shoulder. "You're one to talk! I've caught you and Niall kissing in the halls loads of times."

"Details," Jesy said with a wave of her hand, smiling cheekily at her friend. "We're still doubling tonight, right?"

"You bet," Leigh smiled.

There was another white flash, Leigh blinking and looking to and fro frantically, openmouthed in shock and confusion. She was back in the library...

"Well, look who it is!"

Leigh looked back, staring down at a cheerfully smiling Harry. She suddenly remembered how they had both acted so intimately with each other in the strange vision. God, she had actually been kissing him! Leigh quickly turned back to face the bookshelf, palms sweaty, heart about to leap out of her chest. Swallowing, she grabbed the book she needed before climbing down the stool, Harry standing near it.

"Let's go get some ice cream."

Leigh's head snapped up, looking at the boy with wide eyes. "H-Huh?"

Harry shrugged. "I crave ice cream. So let's go get some."

The shy girl nibbled at her bottom lip. Going out with Harry to get ice cream meant...being alone with him. Oh god, she was gonna be sick. "Gee, I don't know, Harry..."

Whelp, it looks like it was time for Plan B. Harry tilted his head down before jutting his bottom lip out. "Please, Leigh."

Leigh giggled at the pout on his face and the pleading in his eyes. "Harry, I was actually in the middle of doing schoolwork."

"Multitasking is a thing, ya know," Harry said with a smile. "You can work while eating ice cream with me."

His insistence got another laugh out of her, Leigh shaking her head at him. She sighed, looking off to the side. "I suppose some ice cream wouldn't hurt." Here's to hoping she didn't embarrass herself.

Harry lit up, grinning. "Great! We'll go in my car. I finally got the piece of junk working again."

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