Chapter 1

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"You bitch." My bully named Claire spits out.

I sat there, not saying a word. If I said something it would make it worse. There's no point in fighting.

She punched me in the face.

"Awww, I'm sorry for messing up your pretty face." Claire started to laugh.

I honestly didn't care. I didn't want my "pretty" face. All it has done is caused me pain.

She then punched in my stomach.

"Scream bitch. I want to whole world to hear you cry."

I could hear people outside. They're here for the show. I have giving up but I'm not going to give them just that.

Claire then knocks me out.

Here we go again.


I woke up in a familiar place. It was the nurse's office. I been to the nurse so many times that her and I are friends.

I groan.

"Oh you're awake." Ms.Lin the nurse said in relief.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"An hour."

"That's good."

I been knocked out plenty of times. The longest time is 3 hours.

"Grace." She paused then continues. "Do any other adults know about these... incidents?"

I smile at her choice of words.


"I see."

"I'm going to go Ms.Lin."

I then stood up slowly and walked out. It was 5th period I decided to walk to the bathroom to see how badly injured I looked.

I noticed a slight black eye. I then raised up my shirt and saw a huge bruise here. I then looked back at the mirror.

"Omg Grace you're so pretty!" Claire said.

At the time, we were best friends.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. "You're way prettier than me."

I honestly didn't think she was pretty, she was in fact beautiful. She had blonde hair with icy blue eyes and pale skin. She looked like a model.

She had a funny, independent personality.

One day at lunch, I sat at our usually table. I saw her walking pass out table so I yelled out, "Claire!" She didn't turn around.

Two weeks passed and I haven't talked her since. I would see her walking around with other people.

I was in the bathroom washing my hands and then I saw Claire and her new friends walking in.

"Oh hey Claire!" I said with a huge smile.

"Ha! That bitch thinks you're still friends with her!" One of her friends smirked.

I was in shock with she had said. I then see her whisper something in Claire's ear.

Claire's eyes then filled with hate. Hate for me.

Next thing I knew, I was on the ground, getting beat up by Claire and her friends.

I shook my head, washed my face and headed to class.


Bringgg! The school bell rings.

I rushed out of class, hoping that no one would notice me. I then went to my locker, got all my stuff, and bolted to my car.


When I got home, I noticed my dad wasn't home. Not surprised. I went to my room and did my homework.

I then looked at the clock, it was 5:30.

"Crap." I whispered.

My work starts at 6. I got off bed, grabbed my car keys, and rushed out of the house.


"Welcome to Starbucks!" I said with a smile.

Starbucks is a known to be a hangout for my school but my aunt owns it. She had helped me a lot so working there is the least I could do. The people that I recognize didn't realize it's me.

"Hi, can I have a tall White Chocolate Mocha. " The customer replied.

"Anything else?"

"Oh and I can also have your number?"

I smiled at that comment.

"Oh sorry but we don't offer that at Starbucks. Maybe try a dating site."


I blinked at him.

"What's your name?"

"Your future husband."

"That will be $3.55."

He handed the money. I didn't want to make eye contact because this person was getting on my nerves.

On his cup I write 'wannabe player'. I ask Ellen,one of the worker, to cover for me while I make a special drink for this person. She started to laugh and told me good luck. I smiled.

When I finished his cup, I yelled "Wannabe player!"

I saw the guy looking straight at me in shock. I just looked at him and smiled. He walked over awkwardly and grabbed his drink.

I got back to work as a cashier. I was so proud of myself but I hope that I would never met that person again.

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