Chapter 1

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10 years from prologue ending

Remus burst into the order meeting. "I found him! I found him!" Everyone turned to look at him. Molly spoke first, "You found who dear?" "Harry! I found Harry!"

The whole room erupted in questions. Everything from 'where?' To 'Who stole my shoe?' The Weasley Twins were responsible for that last one.


The people shut up and turned to look at Dumbledore. "Where and how did you find him?" He directed the question at Lupin.

A/N I'm using the American system for orphans and Social Services and all that because I don't know how Britain works in that respect.

"Ever since we figured out that Harry got put into the foster system we've been searching all over Britain for him. Today it occurred to me that he might not be in Britain. I searched all the records and found that 10 years ago Social Services placed a 6-year-old boy named Harry Potter with a family in Dublin. We couldn't find him because we were looking in the wrong place!"

Albus grinned, "Do you know where he is now?" 

Remus reached into the bag hanging over his shoulder and pulled out a file. "I manage to pull his file. Unfortunately, it looks like we might have a bit of a problem on our hands. He has many reports of violence, in fact, according to this he has been in over 30 homes in the past 10 years, not including at least a dozen group homes. We need to be ready for a difficult time getting him here. My advice is to bring some people his age with you. His current placement is 8385 Willow Dr. Flat 16 in Dublin. It doesn't look like he ever left.

Albus nodded and looked at the crowded room. "Who here is in 6th year?" Ronald Weasley raised his hand along with Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. "You three will come with me right now. No time to waste."
They came forward grabbed his arm and apparated away leaving the room to worry.


The three appeared in an alley in Dublin, Ireland. "This is Willow Dr." he pointed to the building on their left, "and that is the complex." They exited the alley.

"There aren't many Wrackspurts here. How peculiar." Luna said in a dreamy voice. 

"Yeah. That's what's peculiar." Ron snorted.

The entered the building and stared at the board of buttons. All three kids had been raised in the wizarding world so they stared at it like it was going to bite them. 

Neville spoke, "What is that?" 

"Well," Dumbledore answered, "its a board that allows you to let the person your visiting know that you're here. They have a button that the lefts you in. It's a muggle security precaution." The kids nodded.

Dumbledore pressed on the button labeled 16. It made a strange buzzing noise that caused Ron to jump backward. Neville snickered, and there was a pause before a voice came over the intercom. 

"Wha'd you want?" The words sounded like a gruff adult man. 

Dumbledore pressed the button again, but held it this time and spoke. "We are here to see Harry Potter." Again there was a pause before the same noise from before came and the door opened.

They went through and climbed up a flight of stairs. On either side of them was a hallway of doors, and, according to the sign, 16 was to the left. Albus knocked on the door and it opened quickly.

 A man stood there.  He was probably about 46-47, with a beer gut and beady brown eyes. He wore a white wife beater tank and jeans. There was a gold chain around his neck, and a beer can in his hand. He spoke with a rough Irish accent and looked like he hadn't shaved in a week. "Why do you want to see Ry?" Pronounced R-Eee like 'me' but with an R. 

"I knew his parents and I would like to speak with him." 

The man looked all 4 of them up and down "Just what the bloody hell are you wearing?" 

Dumbledore opened his mouth, but the man stopped him with a hand. "Never mind. I don't want to know." He proceeded to start shouting, "Ry! Get over here! Some old guy is here to see you!" 

A muffled and unintelligible reply came before a slammed door was heard. "What do you want old man I have-" he cut himself off when he saw Dumbledore.

Harry looked very different than Dumbledore had expected. He was about 5' 11", with a lithe stature, like a dancer. He had an undercut, with whimsical patterns shaved on the underside. His eyes were still the same bright green, but he wore no glasses. He was wearing brown work boots, dark jeans, a black AC/DC t-shirt, and a leather jacket. He had several piercings in both ears and one on his left eyebrow. He had a few leather cord necklaces around his neck and a few similarly styled bracelets on either wrist.

"Are you done bloody staring I've got to get to practice. If you really need to talk, walk." He spoke with a thick Irish accent and didn't waste any time grabbing a duffle bag and leaving. Albus, Ron, and Neville hurried after him while Luna floated behind them humming a tune only she knew.

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