Before the First Show

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Parker Pov

     I walked around the tent as we waited. It was about two hours until all the patrons arrived. I looked around and saw the strong man sitting down. Jon had told me his name was Luke. As I got closer I saw that he was starring at Jon and the other clown, whose name was Marcel. He had a bit of a smile on his face.

     "I can tell you've got a thing for Jon," I said sitting down next to him. He almost fell off the bench. I giggled a bit.

     "I-I don't know what you mean," he stuttered out. I smirked.

     "You've been starring at him like I do cotton candy," I said. He laughed a little.

     "Alright alright you caught me," he said. "Parker right?" He asked.

      "If your name is Luke then yes," I replied. He shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe your name is Luke and mine is Parker," he said. I laughed a little. I looked up and saw Jon walking up to us.

"Hey Johnny!" I said smiling. Luke looked up and smiled.

"Hey Stark. I'm glad you two are getting along! My two besties!!" He said hugging us both. I laughed a little. So did Luke. Jon walked back and started putting on his costume.

"Oh you poor unfortunate soul. Put in the best-friend-zone," I said standing up.

"Poor unfortunate soul. In pain. In need," I sang. He laughed.

"I guess. Also you must love Disney. Just like Brian," he said. I smiled. "Oooh does someone have a crush?" He said teasingly.

"Gotta go Toonz!" I said running off.

"See you later Blue!" He laughed out.

I walked over to the props and saw a man putting on a mask. He turned around and bumped into me.

"Oh sorry," he said looking at me. He got a smirk on his face. "You must be the beautiful Madame Blue," he said taking my hand. He kissed the top of it and I chuckled.

"You must be Smitty. Jon told me a little bit about you," I said. His face fell.

"Oh no. I hope it wasn't anything bad," he said looking at me. I smiled.

"Not really. See you tonight Smitty," I said smiling and walking off. I saw that Kas was practicing with Craig again in the center. There was a male sitting on a bench starting at them. I walked up to him.

"I don't know about Craig but you might have a chance with Kas," I said. He looked up at me and blushed. "David right?" I asked.

"Yeah. And your Parker. At least that's what Kassie told me," he said smiling at her name.

"Oh my gods you are as bad as Luke!" I said laughing. He blushed.

     "Really I'm that bad?!" He said worried. I giggled.

     "No you aren't bad. More like lovesick," I said. He frowned then looked at Kassie and smiled. "Do you see what I mean?" I said getting up. He chuckled.

     I walked to the props department and saw a guy on the phone.

     "Oh hey Parker! Lauren do you want to meet the new girl?" He said. I smiled.

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