Chapter 1

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Sometimes I wish things would go out the way we plan it you know? But there's always an obstacle.

I left England when I was 18 years old, I decided to come study in America; at first things were really complicated but once I got an apartment in New York and a mini job in a cafeteria things started to go well. I wanted to study to be a doctor but in the way I realized that I wanted to become a teacher, so I changed careers and kept studying.

Years passed and I found a job in a beautiful school and I loved the kids there. They were the sweetest, obviously there were some kids who are always a bit more trouble than others but I always manage to keep them in control.

One day I went to a school meting and they told all the teachers that we were fired because the school was gonna close since it was located in a difficult area.

I started to get worried because I was saving up to go see my parents since I didn't see them in almost two years. I knew I had to find a job but I need to relax and sort things out, so I decided to go on a walk. While I was walking my phone started ringing it was my mom. I took a deep breath and answered  the call.

" Hey mom, how are you?" I said trying to sound normal as possible.

" Hi baby, I'm fine and you?" I smiled as I heard her voice. "" Well mom I'm okay, things are a bit complicated right now but it's gonna be alright."  My mom knew there was something wrong but she didn't ask me. " I understand, hey Rachel, I call you later alright? I have to finish something. Love you"

" Love you too" I said as I hang up and kept walking. Looks like I was so distracted that a little girl about 5 years old bumped into me.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she said looking a little lost ."hey pretty girl it's alright, where is your mom or dad?" I said staring into her big green eyes. She looked at me and said " I don't know..." I took a deep breath and took her hand " come on princes I won't hurt you, let's find your dad. What's your name?"

She looked at me again " I'm Haley, Haley Styles" I smiled at her and said " well Haley, I'm Rachel know let's go"

We walked around the park until she saw her dad " Rachel! that's my daddy" she said pointing at him.

I went towards him and tapped on his shoulder " hey, I think this beautiful girl belongs to you"

" I'm so sorry baby girl, I know I'm always on the phone I'm sorry I promise this won't happen again" he said picking up the little girl from my arms. As he said to me " Thank you so much for bringing her to me"

" No problem, but you should stop looking at your phone and paying more attention to your daughter. You're lucky she bumped into me a good person, because if I was other person I could care less." I said with a straight face.

He looked at me like I just insulted him.


I'm the CEO of my company I'm a multibillionaire guy. I have a 5 years old daughter which I love with all my heart. I lost my wife when she gave birth to Haley, but we a all have to move on.

I'm a business man so I'm basically busy all the time, and the time I have free I spend it with my daughter but there's always a call from work.

Today I was free so I decided to take Haley to the park. While we were walking I got a phone call from my Niall my partner. He stared talking about work and work. " Mate,today is my day off let me enjoy the day with my daughter please." He cursed like 3 times and hanged up.

When I looked beside me Haley wasn't there. I started running searching for her but nothing. I stopped walking to call my agent, but someone tapped my shoulder. A beautiful girl was holding my baby.

She looked at me and said " hey, I think this beautiful girl belongs to you."

I was so scared that the only thing that came through my mouth was
" I'm so sorry baby girl, I know I'm always on the phone I'm sorry I promise this won't happen again"I said picking up my  little girl from the random girl arms. As I said to her " Thank you so much for bringing her to me"

The girl looked at me like I was the worst father in the entire planet. Which I was. She looked at me and said " No problem, but you should stop looking at your phone and paying more attention to your daughter. You're lucky she bumped into me a good person, because if I was other person I could care less."

How dare she. Does she know who I am. I'm a business man. I took a deep breath and said " Do you know who I am?" She laughed and said " yeah, a father who doesn't pay attention to his daughter."

I didn't had time to answer her back because Haley quickly said " Daddy she can be my nanny! She found me and looks like she would take good care of me."

The girl looked at her and smiled a bit but then looked at me with a straight face.

" Haley I don't know about that she probably has a job" I knew Haley wasn't gonna give up and I didn't want her as a Nanny but Haley is just so persistent.

" Rachel, please be my nanny the other ones I had are really mean and just take the job because of my dad" Haley said looking at her with such a pretty face.

" I'll be your nanny if your dad ask me to, but right now I have to go" Rachel said looking at her with a smile.

" Rachel we should meet, so I can see if you're good to be a nanny and by the way I'm a good dad" I said looking at her with a straight face.

She rolled her eyes and said " sure thing, here's my number; but if I were in your shoes right now I would be looking for my daughter and why she isn't beside me" as soon and she said that. I looked around me and Haley already was on the playground a bit far away from us.

This little girl is gonna kill me one day, and that Rachel girl has something weird and I don't like it.


- Hey beautiful people, I decided to finally update, I hope you like this chapter.

- Remember English is not my first language so don't be mean about it. If I have a mistake dm me or tell me here.

- Don't forget to vote and comments, I wanna know what you guys think -

•Next update when this reach at least 3 comments and 3 votes •

{Love, Nina}

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Twitter: littlefangirl62
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