Chapter Two

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"Hello" - Normal
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello" - Italian


As the class keeps shouting in cheers even a certain teacher cause they've just been informed of having a special fieldtrip sponsored by one of the most richest and powerful companies in the world, one brunette is holding back on giving off his menacing aura, thinking how he would question his spartan of a tutor on this turn of events.

Tsuna's friends flinched a little when they noticed Tsuna's behavior.

A student raised her hand and asked the teacher in disguise.



"But why us? Our class, I mean-" The student was cut off by none other than Reboyama-sensei.

"For your question, let's just say that one of your classmates is a special acquaintance of the current boss of Vongola Corporations."

Once again, shocked gasps and murmurs spread around.

"Omg, who do you think it is??"

"I know! I'm sure it's Gokudera!"

"Oh! That makes sense!"

"He's rich right? And he's from Italy!"


"Hah!? Of course it's Jyuu-" Gokudera said as he slams his hands on his table before being interrupted by Yamamoto.

"Maa, maa~ No need to get so worked up Hayato." Yamamoto said while smiling like always.

Tic mark appears, "Don't call me by my first name, baseball-freak!"

There goes the one-sided bickering we've all been waiting for, and the students who've been stunned by Gokudera's outburst went back to whatever they were doing.

'Whew, that was close..' Tsuna sighed when Gokudera almost called him out.

Their classmates don't know that Tsuna is the one that they should be thankful for what they've been excited about nonstop. Then again, I wonder if they'll even have the guts to believe that he'll be the next boss of Vongola as he is the named Dame-Tsuna in school.

Then a loud gunshot was heard.


..And everyone became silent.

"Enough chattering. Anyways, you'll all be going to the well-known most famous school in Japan, U.A."


"EHHH?!?" The students and Nezu-sensei shouted at the same time except for some you know who. Tsuna's group is rather calm, probably because they've experienced much more 'overwhelming' activities that even the famous hero school can't make them that much surprised like their classmates, but inside they are slightly shocked too.


"Be quiet, anymore questions?"

'Wait, why does he have a gun?' thought everyone except for those who knew or think that it's normal.

Another student raises her hand up.

"U-umm.. Why are we having a field trip at a famous school? Not to mention, the requirements for the trip said that we need to bring belongings needed cause it will be a 7 days 6 nights trip."

"Ah, yes. That is being taken care of as well. As I have said before, this trip also includes your studies and that you all are granted special permission to study there for one week. And the requirements doesn't need to be changed, you all will stay at one of Vongola's best hotels near the school. Everything will be covered by Vongola's expenses. Just bring your own pocket money."

Excited murmurs began spreading around once again, and another student was about to raise up his hand but Reboyama-sensei answered the unspoken question that's been in most of their minds.

"Yes, you don't have these 'quirks'. Instead, you get to experience seeing pro heroes and most of the students there up close using their powers in combat whenever they do. And don't worry, we've already gained the principal's permission for this."

"Ooooooh~! I'm excited!!"

"Seeing professionals up close!!"

Blocking everyone's voices from his mind. Tsuna was shaking slightly, not from being scared but being quite furious.

'Reborn is always planning something. I just know it. Why are they letting us go to a famous Hero school? It's not bad but.. there's gotta be something planned during the trip. At least there are heroes nearby if any of my classmates were in danger.'

"One more thing, give me your IDs so that we can make a special pass that can let you in the school. They have quite a heavy security system there. Here are also the permission slips for the field trip, let your parent/guardian sign it. If they don't, we'll have some countermeasures ready." Reboyama-sensei said though the last one was a mere whisper so that no one can hear it but Tsuna read his lips and understood what he said.


The class representative stands up and walks over to Reboyama-sensei taking the permission slips, giving out to each student one by one while taking their IDs. When he went to Tsuna's desk, he and the rest of Tsuna's classmates could not believe what they're hearing.

"A-ano.. It's okay.. I don't need it..", Tsuna said.

"Huh? You're not going Dame-Tsuna? Haha! Well of course you can't! You're so poor you don't even have another set of underwear!" The class representative shouted loud enough for everyone to hear and most of Tsuna's bullies started laughing.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU BASTARD!", Gokudera said as he started getting dynamites ready to blow their faces off.

"Maa, maa~ calm down hayato", said a usually carefree happy guy with a smile, but those are all washed away when his eyes are glinting darkly directed towards the guy that dares badmouth his friend.

"T-take that back! You can't say that about Bossu!!", said Chrome, shocking everyone that a shy girl like her is talking back.

"Apologize to Tsu-kun right now, Hirota-kun!" Now they are even more shocked to hear their famous school idol Sasagawa Kyoko talking back as well as defending Dame-Tsuna.

"Humph.. Rude monkeys." Are they even hearing straight, it's only a few words but even Kurokawa Hana is obviously standing up with her orange-colored hair friend.

Now the class representative known as Hirota Akio was sweating bullets by the deadly glares given to him by Tsuna's friends.

"H-hahaha..! What's this? Are you bribing them to stand up for you Dame-Tsuna?!"

"That's not nice Sawada-san", said Nezu-sensei siding with the bullies while being courteous of saying his last name instead since Reboyama-sensei is here while shaking his head.

"You're so useless! No-good Tsuna!" said one of Tsuna's bullies, Osamu Kaneda.

And there goes chaos, a bunch of colorful words from here and there until a certain hitman silenced the whole classroom.

"All of you shut up. Sawada-san *Tsuna cringed* doesn't need a permission slip nor does he need to give his ID as he already has permission and a special pass, the same goes for Gokudera, Yamamoto, Dokuro, Sasagawa, and Kurokawa. Understood?" The hitman said coldly giving a slight shiver down everyone's spine.

(A/N: Enma isn't here cause he will be the next Simon boss and he's already started training)

The class representative just nods his head slowly before continuing to the other students.



Sorry for some slight OOCness again. ┌'Д'

See you in the next chapter!

Ciao ciao (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Published: June 12, 2017
Edited: August 10, 2017

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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