Brethren (archaic)

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Summer is finally starting, today's the last day of class and it ended earlier than supposed

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Summer is finally starting, today's the last day of class and it ended earlier than supposed.

Along the way leading to the nearby mall is a good looking couple walking hand in hand, the guy is giddily looking around while the girl is looking distant as if her thoughts drifted to a far-off place.

The girl shook her head in attempt to clear her mind to which the guy noticed and asked almost immediately if she was okay which she returned with a smile and a peck on his cheeks. At some point, they were happily goofing around as soon as they reached their destination.

"Let's stop this" Sohyun, the girl muttered out of nowhere.

Sungjae who was almost winning the game stopped and look towards Sohyun smiling lopsidedly. "Okay, let's go. Where do you want to go?" He asked acting oblivious as if nothing's wrong even though he felt otherwise. He held her wrist about to drag her out of the arcade. But on instinct she yanked his arm away from her and glared at him, with those eyes that once looked at him ever so dearly.

Right then he got the most fearful confirmation his gut was telling him weeks ago but chose to ignore, how indifferent she was acting. But he continued the facade, in hopes to keep his heart from breaking.

"Why? Are you hungry? Let's get you something to eat ." He told her with trembling lips, he's trying to console her with food for he knows she can never resist food. "What the heck is wrong with you?" She shouted in annoyance at his oblivious stunts making them the center of attention.

"What? You're the grumpy one here, what do you want?" He asked in a low tone as if his energy was sucked out of him this instant. "You're irritating." She shouted, again, for the people to hear. He's trying his best to calm himself, he didn't want to cause a commotion in front of all these people who know nothing about them but are just plain nosy.

"Let's not make a scene and talk somewhere private." He said holding her wrist gripping tightly dragging her outside the mall. She freed her wrist from his grip as soon as they reached the mall's small park.

He was left startled, looking at his hand dumbfounded. 'Get yourself together Sungjae.' He mumbled trying to keep himself sane.

"What do you want? You're not someone who carelessly makes a scene." He said as he sat on the bench because his knees were weak from the adrenaline a while ago and he can't let her see him weak. Not this time when he couldn't understand how she's acting, she had never done this before. "Let's stop whatever it is that we have." She said in a calmed manner looking straight at his uneasy eyes.

He can't see through her like he's always done before, she's always been transparent, an open book about everything. But now, he can barely recognize her, the girl who made her fall in love.

She's different now and he doesn't know why, all of a sudden she looks like a different person, as if this is the first time he's looking at her. Why didn't he notice this earlier?

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