chapter 11 - A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken

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Inadu walked in. Lucien and Kassandra glared at her.

Inadu showed them the cut on her hand. "He and I are now linked." Kassandra turned to look at the cut on Lucien's hand, that wasn't healing because of the Hollow. She turned to Inadu. "So, if you want to keep him safe, then you belong to me."

Kassandra glared at Inadu furiously, though she was relieved to have Lucien back, worried about what could happen to both of them now.


Day One

Morning - Lucien's Penthouse

(Song:) Closer J2 feat. Keeley Bumford

Lucien was spelled into the penthouse, but no longer trapped in a boundary spell.

Kassandra walked closer, managing a small, nervous smile. "It's good to see the real you again."

"What do you mean, 'real me'?" Lucien asked. Kassandra looked down, a little nervous about explaining the things that she had seen. Lucien was concerned because Kassandra had never been nervous before. "Kassandra?"

Kassandra looked up, sighing. "The Ancestors, and the Hollow... they gave me visions and hallucinations of you, to try to bend me to their will. Antagonizing me with you, viciously, I might add, to force me to attack my family... and turn off my humanity so that I would try to kill them." Lucien looked worried and concerned by this, a little guilty at the thought of even a hallucination of him causing her pain. Kassandra knew that he would feel this way, shaking her head. "I know it wasn't you. And I am thrilled to have you back, Lucien. I'm ecstatic."

"But?" Lucien asked.

Kassandra sighed. "But the Hollow brought you back. She linked you to her. You have no idea what we're dealing with."

Lucien managed a small smile, trying to make her feel better. "Hasn't stopped me before."

Kassandra gave him a half-amused look. "I've wanted you back for so long, but..."

"But you couldn't take the Hollow's deal without making everything worse, for you, me and your family," Lucien finished. "I understand, Sandra."

"But she's brought you back to force my hand," Kassandra told him. "This is the same spirit that almost made me kill my brother and is the reason I had myself locked away behind a boundary spell so that I wouldn't hurt anyone else, taunting me with visions and hallucinations of you, promising to bring you back if I joined her side... After everything she did, I want to kill her. But I can't if you're linked to her."

Lucien walked closer reassuringly. "We'll figure it out, darling. We always do."

Kassandra slowly nodded.

Lucien was gazing off, seeing memories of what happened and what he had done, overwhelmed, though he was in control of himself and his thoughts. He was devastated at the thought of causing so much pain and grief when it came to Kassandra.

Kassandra was worried about him and what he was going through. "What are you seeing?"

"What I've done," Lucien answered. "It's like... seeing a movie in my head, instead of my own life. I can't believe that I would..."

Kassandra shook her head, walking closer, looking Lucien in the eyes. "Don't." Lucien looked at her, his eyes glassy with tears. "I know that you blame yourself for everything, the same thing I did when I came back. Don't do that."

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