Chapter 1

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1D fanfic! I love them! Anyway first story on a new account. Enjoy


Working for Him: Chapter 1

When I tell people I’m a maid they just say “oh”. But when I tell them I’m Harry Styles maid, they freak out. My name is Katniss Taylor. I’m seventeen years old and I work for Harry Styles. I’ve been his maid for about two and half years now. Right after the X- Factor he hired me to take care of his flat. Enought about that. Currently I was sitting in a hospital waiting room.

“Let’s go,” Alexia whispered. Alexia Morgan is my best friend. She’s petite and pretty with big warm brown eyes. She has long flowing dirty blonde hair and she manages to keep a slight tan all year.

“Yeah it’s okay Kat,” Sabrina Golden said as she pulled me into a hug. Sabrina is also one of my best friends. She’s pretty and very tall. She’s lean and athletic looking with wavy red hair and bright green eyes. Zeke put his arm around the both of us. Zeke Loins is my best friend and Sabrina’s boyfriend. Zeke is awesome and he’s a really good boyfriend to Sabrina. I didn’t like him at first and Alex really didn’t like him, but over time we grew to love him.

“Yeah hospitals creep me out,” Olivia mumbles. Olivia was the final member of our small group. Olivia Woods was tall and thin with freckles, dark brown hair, and blue green eyes.

“Do you want a piggy back ride?” Zeke asked. I nodded glumly. He bent down slightly and I climbed on his back. We were at the hospital visiting my mother. My mum is diagnosed with brain cancer. I love her but the doctors are saying she doesn’t have much of a chance of living. Her kemo is getting very expensive. I work odd jobs and have two full time jobs, trying to save up for collage and cancer treatments.M y dad left us when I was young. He just walked out. When Dad left he took a lot of money. We were never rich, but now we were even poorer. Mum stayed in the hospital and I lived at the flat with Harry... And Caroline. She didn't exactly live with us, but she was over way too much for my liking. Caroline Flack was Harry’s steady girlfriend. I hated her, not due to the fact that I was in love with Harry (although I was), it was mostly because Caroline was awful. She was a spoiled brat. We walked out of the hospital together. I buried my face in Zeke’s shoulder and tried not to cry. It was so hard seeing my mum like that. We walked to Alex’s car and she pulled open the door. I climbed off of Zeke and he slid into the seat. I sat in the middle with Alex next to me. Sabrina drove while Livy rode shot gun. I leaned down and put my head in Alex’s lap. I sigh as a tear escapes. I quickly wipe it away and tell myself to toughen up.

“I’ll take you home,” Sabrina mumbles. She drives to the flat and parks on the sidewalk. She gets out of the car. Alex lets me out and I stand on the sidewalk. I look down at my flip flops. Sabrina rushes to me on the sidewalk and sweeps me into a hug. She squeezed me like she always did and patted the top of my head.

“I love you Kat and don’t worry. I’m sure Kara will be fine,” Sabrina says letting go of me. Kara was my mum and just hearing her name made me feel horrible all ove again. I nodded as Zeke and Alex hugged me. Zeke patted my head also.

“Don’t sweat it Kat,” he tells me as he lets go off me. Livy joined the hug.

“ I love you; don't worry  it’ll be okay,” she sighs. The five us group hugged and I walked to the door. I kept looking down at my feet.. I sighed and pulled out my key. I unlocked the door and turned to wave.

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