Chapter 8 - The battle continues

Start from the beginning

They'd eaten lunch, and had a fight over who paid the bill. Melissa won, she was insistent that she'd pay whilst she still could. They then began the walk back to her hotel.

"What will you do next?" The though of her broke and alone was a harsh one for Caleb.

She tucked her arm through his again, "I don't honestly know. I don't know if I can cope with living life at this intensity again, you know the financial world. It's too all encompassing. I've had no life really. I could travel I's quite nice having a blank canvas. No time pressures, you know?"

Caleb nodded, "I work 60 hour weeks, the pay is good, but I see nothing of Talia, and when the baby comes I'll barely see it either."

Melissa felt her mouth drop open, and she spun around to face him, "baby? Oh my God!" Throwing herself into his arms she hugged him tightly, "that is the best news I've heard in ages! How the hell have you kept that to yourself over lunch?"

As she disentangled herself, she failed to notice the darkened limo drive past.

Liam had had a long and wearing day. He'd not been able to focus, he knew it was because of Melissa. He couldn't concentrate without seeing her hurt expression as he'd handed her the money earlier. He thought keeping her at arm's length would make it easier for him, but now he hated himself for multiple reasons and he hated being such a cad. Added to that she was so damn hot.

By late morning he'd had enough. Several of his acquaintances were eyeing him suspiciously. Usually he was a workaholic, but to drag people in on a Saturday and underachieve was an insult to all concerned.

"Let's take a break!" he announced, closing his file of documents. "Can we reconvene in half an hour?"

The five other men nodded in surprise.

Two hours later he'd sorted his head a little and they'd resolved a lot of issues and agreed to call it a day.

In the limo back to the hotel, Liam was shattered, but relieved at finishing early. He'd expected to be engrossed in meetings until well into the afternoon, maybe he could try a little of this living that Melissa so heartily recommended.

Watching the financial district pass to the bustle of Times Square then give way to the slightly calmer Broadway from the window as the limo driver wove his way back to the hotel he started to relax. He was hoping to surprise Melissa, and apologise for being so awful to her......again. As the limo slowed at a junction, it seemed almost too good to be true that he saw her, outside a tube station. He'd recognise those legs and particularly that bottom anywhere. In fact every time he closed his eyes he had visions of them wrapped around him doing all sorts of wonderful things.

As he leaned forward to try and get the driver to slow down, he froze witnessing Melissa launch herself into the arms of a tall, burly man. No one he recognized. And as the car drew level, then passed them, there seemed to be no end to the embrace.

Pain stabbed at his chest, anger filled him, and another emotion, jealousy? He pushed the thought away. He was just furious that she was with another man when she was his, for a whole week she was meant to be at his beck and call.

Back at the hotel he headed to the gym. More than an hour of punishing his body had done little to lift the anger he felt. Stepping back into the suite, sweating and panting, his shorts and t-shirt stuck to his body, he stopped. There was Melissa sat watching an old Doris Day movie on TV, looking like she belonged in his room, in his life.

She smiled up at him, "when did you get back?"

He shrugged, "an hour ago. My meeting was resolved earlier than I anticipated."

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