Restaurant Fun - Louis Imagine

Start from the beginning

"I'm mad at you" you say, trying to sound tough but failing miserably.

"Is that so?" he asks, amused.

He goes back to your neck, kissing it softly now.

"You can't just show up like t-that. Ugh. Lou"

You wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer. He moves away from your neck slowly, looking you straight in the eyes. They're so blue. Even at night, you can see them sparkle. The way he looks at you, like you're something precious, makes your heart twitch.

"Do you know how much I love you?" you ask, stroking his hair gently.

He blushes a little, looking down for a second before he leans into you, kissing you deeply. It's hard for him to tell you that he loves you, but you know he does. He might be the most outgoing person you've ever known, always smiling, laughing and making people happy, but when it comes to his feelings... it's not that easy. So these are the moments you live for, when he shows you exactly how he feels about you, how important you are to him, by his gestures.

"Let's get out of here" he says, hoarsely.

Your body's temperature is raising and you're trying to control yourself because you have to go back.

"I can't" you say "I can't leave the restaurant"

He smiles at you mischievously.

"I know" he says, grabbing your hand and leading you back inside.


He leads you in and as you enter the restaurant, seems like it's even fuller than before. There are people waiting to get a table and crowds everywhere. That's when you realize how spacious the restaurant actually is. You can see your family from here, they're sitting in one of the last tables.

"Follow me" he says, letting go of your hand.

You look at him and he's going in the toilets' direction. Oh.

You take a look around to check if there's anyone watching you, and you quickly follow him.

He enters the ladies' bathroom and leaves the door slightly open. You go after him and close it behind you.

"Are you crazy?!" you say "Louis we're not doing anything here, I'm warning you"

He raises an eyebrow, coming closer, never breaking eye contact with you. You start walking backwards till you suddenly hit the wall.

His eyes on you are so intense that your knees are going weak. He's wearing a blue beanie and it makes his eyes stand out so beautifully, you just want to grab him and kiss him and never let him go.

He leans closer to you slowly, till your lips are barely touching. He stays like that for a while, teasing you, and it's driving you crazy because you can feel his breath on you, and the smell of his perfume is hitting your nose and he's got his arms either side of your head, making you feel so small and under control and just. Ugh.

"What was that? You know, what you were saying ten seconds ago" he asks, a playful look on his face.

You roll your eyes at him.

"Shut up and kiss me"

He makes a face like he's thinking about it.


"Louis" you whine.

He smiles at you.


He grabs your waist firmly, connecting your lips in a rough kiss. You kiss for a while till you sense a change in the mood... His hands roam your body, sliding through your shirt and palming your breasts.

Restaurant Fun - Louis ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now