Thank You For Being There! <3

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  • Dedicated to Mommy, Daddy, and Bro! <3

Love is a splendid feeling. It consumes your soul. Love is… Love. There is no other word to explain the feeling that everyone longs for.

The love for my parents is so vast; I could never explain how much they mean to me. They are always there to listen, comfort, guide, and hold me in their arms.  

My best friends are my family without them I would be a terribly bad person. To me, without the love of my family and friends, there is no reason to live. Lucky for me, I have the best family any girl could ever ask for. Because of them, I look forward to the next day God gives us together. Life is not long enough for us to be sad for a long time. All you need  to do is smile! :D See? Isn’t it fun? :DDDDDDD

Thank You For Being There! &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now