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"Great job out there today Chat," said the bluenette as she waved at the camera with a smile. "Of course, m-" the blonde was cut off by the beeping of his miraculous as a pad on its paw vanished. The bluenette gave a sigh of relief before saying, "Sorry folks, but that's all the time we have for today," and using her yo-yo as an escape route. The blonde gave a cocky grin before saying, "You heard the lady," and using his staff to escape in the opposite direction.


The bluenette woke with a start, accidentally waking up his kawami in the process. The red little kawami yawned before saying, "What is it?" Chase just shrugged and said, "Nothing, Tikki, just that weird dream again." Tikki, fully awake now, raised an eyebrow (do kawami's even have eyebrows?) before saying, "You mean that weird one where there is a girl version of you called Ladybug and a guy version of Gatto Nero called Chat Noir?" The bluenette nodded tiredly and yawned before saying, "Yeah, sorry that I woke you up Tikki." The kawami was already falling back asleep before saying, "No problem Chase, just go back to sleep." The boy laid back down and closed his eyes as he said, "I bet Gatto doesn't have to deal with dreams like this," and then he fell back to sleep.


"Gah!" said the blonde as she woke up from her strange dream. The little black kawami that was sleeping on her stomach squirmed once before yawning and asking about the one thing that was always on his mind. "Camembert?" The blonde looked at the alarm clock next to her bed, it read 11:20 P.M, already knowing what her little kawami would ask next, and walked over to the mini-fridge that was in her room. The cat-like kawami opened his eyes, noticed the sky was still dark (for Paris anyway), and asked, "Hey kid...What time is it, why are we up before the sun, and where's my camembert?" The blonde yawned before replying. "Sorry, Plagg. It's 11:20 P.M, I had that weird dream again, and your cheese is right here." As she finished that last part she handed the black kawami a piece of his cheese. After Plagg swallowed his camembert (whole) he said, "You mean the one where guy version of you called Chat Noir and a girl version of Masterbug called Ladybug?" The girl plopped back onto her bed before saying, "That's the one." The girl pondered once before asking her kawami, "Do you think I should tell MB?" Plagg shook his head before saying, "Nah kid, it probably means nothing. But you should go back to sleep, you do have school in the morning." As if to prove his point the blonde yawned once before saying, "You're right, good night Plagg." The kawami went back to his spot, yawned once, and said, "You too Alice."  

Author's Notes:

Hey guys sorry that this chapter is a bit short, but this is only to get you guys used to the story. Alright, Meow Out!

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