An Alpha Kidnaped Me!

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Maria POV

A beam of light came over my eyes , and I rolled over. I opened my eyes and jumped up, this wasn't my room, where the hell am I!?! I looked over to my left and saw another bed with Kayla in it, and then I looked down at my wrist, there was a wrapping of gauze around it.

I got up and ran to Kayla's bed and jumped on it "Kayla!" I said as I shook her "wake up!!!"

She groaned and rolled over " What mom!?! it's a Saturday let me sleep in!" Kayla moaned


"What!" She groaned and sat up. she opened her eyes and looked around. " WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?" She screamed. Kayla also had gauze but was wrapped around her wrist too.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!" I said

We got off the bed and searched the room. I went to the door but it was locked, smart kidnappers I should say. On the night stand there was a glass vase of beautiful roses. Footsteps were coming up the stairs which sounded close to the door and me and Kayla snapped are heads to the door. The door handle twisted and my heart rate increased rapidly.

The door opened to show a handsome buff guy with blondeish brown hair and green eyes, a second guy who I thought was the hottest he had blonde hair and blue eyes, and the third guy who had dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"Well look who's finally up!" said the first guy.

At this point I was so pissed off. " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY DO WE HAVE CUTS ON OUR ARMS!!?!!" I screamed

"Whoa someone's a little feisty eh?" he said and his friends chuckled.

When his head was turned to one of his friends I chucked the vase of the flowers at him. "YOU ASSHOLE ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK YOU SOMETHING. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHY ARE WE HERE AND WHY DO WE HAVE CUTS!!?!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The vase broke in his head and he stumbled over. Kayla looked at me with the face that said "you go girl!"

He turned to me blood dripped down his cheek. "Well she will be a good one. Now I'm going to let that one slide because you two just got kidnapped and bitten." he said with a little anger in his voice.

"Hey! don't you know how to answer a damn question!?!" I yelled rolling my eyes.

"We will tell you that, just come with us." he and his friends turned around and walked down the hallway.

I looked at Kayla not wanting to follow them but she shrugged it off. We kept a distance behind them and walked down the stairs. The house was huge! We walked into the kitchen and there was a few people in there

"YOU BITCH" screamed a girl. Wait was she talking to me?

Yup she was.


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