Chapter Two

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(Sebastian's POV)

I told the teacher I had to go to the bathroom. I got the pass and went to the men's room a couple halls down. I did my business and washed my hands. When I was done I left and decided to go the long way back to class. On the way back I heard a couple kids laughing a hallway or so down and than I heard footsteps running the opposite direction of me. I went down one hall and looked down it. It was clear. I went down the next and saw a boy laying on the ground next to a locker. I ran up to him to see what was wrong. He seemed to be passed out.

I than noticed when I turned him over that it was that one mute boy Javier. He wasn't really mute. He just didn't talk as much as most people. He got picked on and bullied a lot. I had always liked Javier. He was cute and sweet even though he didn't talk much. He didn't care what other people said about him and just ignored them and walked away...until things like this happened. Than he couldn't walk away. He couldn't walk at all. 

I picked him up gently and started carrying him to the nurses office. As I walked, Javier's long sleeves bunched up and I saw angry red burns down his wrists. I frowned. The bullying must affect him a lot more than I'd thought. 

I got to the nurses office than and cleared my throat to get her attention. The nurse looked at me and than noticed him. Her face took on a shocked look.

 "What in the world happened to him?!" she asked loudly. I shrugged.

 "Gang attack" I said naturally, like it was no big deal. It really wasn't. They happened to people all the time. You couldn't do anything about it. I turned toward him. He was kind of cute. If I swung that way I would probably ask him out... but I don't. And hes unpopular. My reputation would be ruined. I shook my head. 

"Can I go now Ms...Horne?" I asked loudly. She glanced up from the boys black eye and nodded at me quickly. She than looked back at Javier and I left. I decided to ditch and just go home. My parents were on a vacation and wouldn't be home for a few days more so I wouldn't have to worry about getting in trouble.

I left and went out the front door, going into the parking lot. Getting in my car, I left out the front gate. I got out of the school with no troubles at all. Wow, great security we have. I got home and went to my room. I decided I could sleep for a few hours. And so that's exactly what I did.

(Javier's POV)

I woke up in the nurses office. I couldn't remember much, but I do remember passing out in the hallway. Not the nurses office. I don't remember even being close to here. I sat up and looked at the nurse. Crap...I didn't remember her name. Usually, when I got beat up, I was left alone. So I didn't come here often. 

"Oh, good. Your up. How are you feeling dear?" she asked me. I shrugged. " did I get here?" I asked, not really paying attention to the pain in my head.

 "Oh, that nice boy Sebastian carried you here. He was really sweet about it" she said. I didn't need a last name to know who she was talking about. There was only one Sebastian in our school. And he was an ass, so I had no idea how she thought he was a 'nice boy'. But than again, maybe he was just like that with me. It wouldn't be a first. I looked at her a little accusingly.

 "Um..what do you mean he carried me here?" I asked. What she had said had just registered in my mind.

"OH! It was the cutest thing! He came strolling in here, carrying you like a baby in his arms!" she said, getting a dreamy look on her face. My mouth fell open. He...he carried me like a baby?!?!?! What the fuck got into him?! I mean, it was shocking enough that he brought me here in the first place...but he didn't have to cradle me like a baby!  Something is seriously wrong with Sebastian...and I cant help but wonder what it is.

*Skip to next day at school

Someone shoved me down in the hallway. I dropped all my books and hit my head on the ground. The bell rang a second later so I was late, Only when I realized that did I also realize someone was walking towards me. And guess who it was!? Yep, Sebastian. He came towards me and knelt in front of me. 

"Are you alright?" he asked me sincerely. I glared at him. 

"Why the fuck do you care? Its your friends who do it to me. If you cared you would ask them to stop! But you don't so apparently you don't care. But I'm fine anyway. I'm used to it." I said.

I knew it was rude but he deserved it. If he really cared he would tell his friends to stop. Yet he didn't. Yet, even though I had been rude, when I got up he continued to kneel and helped me gather my books.  God...he was hot...damn it, I cant think things like that. When he stood up he had about four of my books. He got very close to me. He handed me my books and looked down at me. He was about four inches taller than me.

 "I'm sorry" he whispered. My eyes widened, but before I could think of something to say, he handed me my books and walked away.

I stood staring at him, open mouthed, as he walked away. What the fuck had gotten into Sebastian?!?!?

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