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( warning!
This may contain scenes that are gore filled and your a Psychopathic killer in this book so don't expect me not to write things like that. Enjoy)

Your p.o.v

Just walking in an old, abandoned, and very musty city like always to KILL, I mean "help" people. Humming the song "I know I'm a wolf" it echoes through the city. I can hear people whisper, talk, or yell at other people in their groups. I just keep walking until I see a group of 2 skeletons and 5 humans. I can smell blood witch means some of them are wounded. I licked my teeth and use my super speed to get to the group. It's like no one is moving. I slid three of the humans' throats with my claws as I ran and grabbed one of the skeletons by the neck with my mouth. The speed wore off the group looks horrified as hell. The skeleton turn to dust and the humans fell. The living skeleton used magic on me so I can't move and lift me up. One of the humans took out a knife and stabbed me in the head many times making me bleed blood. The other human was recording from the start. I didn't flinch or scream for help when the human was stabbing me. All I did was sing and I tilted my head giving him a creepy look as blood ran down my face. I turned my eye completely (e/c) and I stared straight inti his eyes crushing his soul. The skeleton dropped me and I started to rip the human to pieces. The skeleton fired bones at me, but I caught them with my mouth​ one by one and biting them in half while walking towards him. He was walking backwards trying to see if I let him go free. His back hit a building and I ripped him apart just like you did to your 'mother'. I looked behind me to see that human still recording. I stood on my back paws and walked towards her. She started running and I ran after her. She's still recording and I smacked the camera out of her hand when she pointed it towards me the 5th time. I jumped and got her throat in my mouth. As she screamed I tighten my grip so hard that blood squirted out and some got on the camera lenses. I dropped her and looked at the camera. I smiled then turned off the camera and left it there. I got my sanity back and looked at the murder scene. I don't remember what happened. I hear foot steps behind me far away. I touch where that guy stabbed me and then l looked at my paw. Black blood and it turned the normal (a/c). The foot steps are getting louder and I pass out because of the blood loss.

(CLIFFHANGER!!! dun Dun DUUUNNN!!! Well hoped you enjoyed this so far. Byeeeeeeee :3)

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