This was getting a little creepy, but for some reason my stomache was fluttering and I couldn't even respond. I took a few deep breathes and looked at him. "Gale. That's all really sweet, but we don't even know anything about each other. And I don't feel the same way for you, your like a distant friend, that I want to keep at a distance."

I could see we were pulling up to the house, driving around the circle driveway he parks. I look at him and could see his temple pulsing as if he was trying to keep all his anger in. Not even looking at me he tells me that he hopes I feel better. Which made me feel horrible, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but I didn't want him falling for me either. There was no way my aunt would let me have a boyfriend, and I would never get to see him but once a week. I couldn't harm myself everyday, and be sent to the doctor's just to see him. So making sure he understood that I didn't like him made me want to scream. Every feeling in my body made me want to lean over and kiss him, but I couldn't.

"Thanks for the ride. See you around." I whisper as I step out of the car. I decide to wave as he's leaving but he didn't acknowledge it and I couldn't blame him, I would hate me too if I just crushed your feelings into the dirt and spat on it.


The house smelled and looked dreadful as always, so walking into it was no surprise. But the sigh that escaped my lips was all the dirty clothes and dirty everything else that they laid around.

One day was my abscence and this place looked like I had been gone for a whole month. I decided to check on my uncle first since I knew he would be awake, and I didn't want aunt yelling at me for not acknowledging him.

"Hey uncle. I'm back."

Hearing my voice must have startled him, since he knocked over a mug of coffee.

"Hey Alice. Did you have a nice stay at the doctor's? Was it a good vacation? I hope you enjoyed it, cause I haven't had a bath since you've been fucking gone!" throwing the mug he picked up straight for my head.

Dodging it last minute, and hearing it shatter against the wall made me think of a few ways I could use the glass to kill him right now. Instead, I turn around and pick up the pieces, sweep them up and throw them away. I head to the bathroom and fill a bin with hot water, knowing my uncle smelt horrible, since he didn't even bother to wipe his ass half the time. I was gone for one day and he acted like I was gone for days, noticing how filthy he was made him think I probably neglected him since he didn't keep track of what day it was or even the month for that matter.

Soaking and scrubbing was the least of my worries, since he wanted to shave his underarms and back. Saying he saw a guy fucking a girl on a website and he didn't have any body hair from the balls up. That he thought my aunt would like it, and decided to make the look his own.

After doing everything he wanted and scrubbing my hands clean for a good fifteen minutes, I decided I was going to cook some lunch since I know my aunt and uncle probably didn't eat.



The back of my neck begins to gather sweat and I could feel my hands also gathering moist. Walking into my aunt's room, I expected the worse. I had to push myself through the double doors since my hands would not function correctly.

"Come here now!"

Shuffling my feet against the carpet I walk into a full on slap against my cheek and I think I could feel my stitches loosen.

"You ignorant heiffer! Do you have any idea how long I waited for you yesterday? Me and your uncle went without dinner, and woke up with no breakfast. I had to come into fucking town to check on you when you know I don't like showing my face to those red neck hicks!"

Slapping me on the other cheek made my head spin and I could feel myself falling to the ground.

"You have no idea how much I do for you do you? Taking you in when your pitiful mother died and your dumb ass father decided to kill himself, making you feel home here and letting you do whatever you want. And you take advantage of me! Steal my money, and then run into town and try to leave! No good-byes or anything!"

Kicking me in the stomache this time made me see little white specks everywhere, which made me blink more than usual, and I had to hold onto the couch to rise up.

"I didn't steal anything! I had the money you gave me and that's it. I wasn't leaving or running away." I say between gasps of air. Feeling my stomache churn as if it was butter.

"Then why in the hell was there fifteen hundred dollars missing from my chest? Huh? Fucking tell me that then!"

I could see the hatred in her eyes and see them burn right through me as if I wasn't even there. I could already sense that my uncle stole the money since he was running dry on his credit card for all the porn he bought online. And trying to pin it on me was not going to happen as long as I was breathing.

Standing myself straight up, and balancing as best as I could, I look at her.

"You are a horrible hateful person! All you ever do is whine and make me feel sorry for you!" I scream as I try to stop my words but gave up since they came tumbling out.

"You treat me like nothing more than a slave, washing clothes, cooking and cleaning! Making me wash your ass and uncle's, since ya'll are too lazy to do it yourself! You have never gave me peace here, but a living hell. A place that I would rather die than live in!  Uncle is the one who stole your money since your stingy and he doesn't care about it. Buying all that stupid crap on his porn sites, he is the one spending all your precious money on whores! And you know uncle was trying to take pictures of me and still you did nothing! When he had the camera right in his hand and you brushed it off like it didn't happen! Hope you would like to know he's a pedophile, and  I hope you and him both burn in hell and never fucking get out!"

Seeing her eyes bug out of her head made me feel superior, as if I won and I turn and walk out. Walking past uncle who is staring at me and sounding out my name but nothing comes out.

"Fuck off!" I scream as I flash him the good ole birdy.

Walking up the stairs I close my door and lock it. Hoping I had enough time to pack some of my belongings and grab the little money I had saved up and get the hell out. But I knew I wouldn't be able to make it far since I didnt have a car. There was only one choice.

I open my door and look down the hallway making sure it was clear. Tip toeing my way across the room from mine was uncles study that he never used. I walk in and grab the house phone that my aunt had bought in case she saw something on t.v she wanted, but only used a couple of times. Which meant that the one time she did use it was yesterday, as I push the redial button, I hold my breathe and wait as the other line keeps ringing. Then a click and a hush hello, which startles me for a second. But I finally muster up the words,

"Gale. Come pick me up please."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2012 ⏰

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