Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Olly had been crying onto Jaymi's shoulder for ten minutes now, just letting the tears soak into Jaymi's top, Jaymi was whispering soothing words into Olly's ear slowly calming him down.

Olly's tears eventually stopped, but Olly still gripped onto Jaymi and hugged him for dear life.

"Ol, how long has you stomach been hurting?" Jaymi asked

" I don't know, a couple of days," Olly said quietly

Just as Olly had spoke JJ walked in....

" Sorry to disturb anything but we sort if need you so we can rehearse for tonight," JJ said shyly.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'll be there in a minute let me just sort Olly out," Jaymi said as he started to slowly lift Olly off his chest and a tiny whimper escaped the boys lips.

JJ looked at Jaymi with a concerned look.

"Ol, do you want to come with us to rehearse or do you wanna stay hear and get some sleep?" Jaymi asked.

"Can I come with you?" Olly said just above a whisper.

"Yeah course, do you need some help to get up?"Jaymi asked getting up from where he was sitting on the sofa.

"No thanks I'll be okay."

Olly went to get but stopped as the pain in his stomach came back and Jaymi and JJ quickly caught him before he fell.

"Are you okay?" JJ asked

"Obviously he's not okay JJ, does it look like he's okay," Jaymi replied sternly.

"Jaymi!" Olly said in a annoyed voice.

"What did I do?" Jaymi said in a innocent voice.

"You know what you did now apologise to JJ."

"Sorry for stating the obvious and defending my boyfriend,"Jaymi said in a sarcastic voice.


"What have I done now?!?!"

"Just apologise to JJ in a kind and normal way for crying out loud!"

"Okay then," Jaymi turns to JJ "JJ, I'm sorry for being sarcastic to you in a mean way."

"Finally," Olly says in a annoyed voice, "So, can I have some help up seen as I can't get up," JJ and Jaymi both stepped forward and help Olly up onto his feet.

Olly smiled,"Thanks."

Jaymi stood next to Olly and supported him round the waist while JJ lead the way.


When the boys reached the stage Jaymi sat Olly down on a sit at the front while he went on stage to rehearse.

Everything was going well until Olly felt a sudden urge of pain in his stomach and everything went black.....

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