Sawamura Daichi: Fatherhood

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Just to tell you guys... I don't really know what happens when someone gives birth. I just based this off from shows I've seen (YesIknowitsprettypettyhuhu). So please forgive me if my knowledge is wrong.

I also didn't have time to research about it, since I was a tad bit busy today. That's another reason why the chapter seems so rushed and short, haha.



"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." ~ Billy Graham

Picture does not belong to me. Credits and copyrights belongs to their rightful owner. I only borrowed it and do not wish or desire to claim that it is mine.


Sawamura Daichi: Fatherhood

"Ugh...," you groaned.


You turned to your left, only to find the other side of the bed empty. You then proceeded get out of the bed while supporting your tummy.

You didn't bother going to the bathroom to do your morning business. The pain was growing each step you took and you figured it was much more important to tell about it to Daichi first. 

You smelled the delicious aroma of whatever he was cooking. You followed it, whilst taking each step down the stairs tantalizingly and carefully slow.


You said his name upon arriving at the kitchen. Your side was leaning against the wall beside the opened door.

Beaming at you, "_______! Good morning! I figured I should make breakfast toda-" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw your state.

"H-hey, what's wrong," he asked as he turned off the stove and went to assist you. His eyebrows were scrunched; his voice was lacing with concern.

You found yourself on your knees, a wail escaping your mouth. Daichi then hugged your form, carressing your hair. He trying to ease whatever it is that's going on with you right now.

You then grabbed his arms, "...Daichi, I think my water just broke."

His eyes went wide. A sudden thought came up and was put into words, "I'm going to be a father..."

You cried out from the pain once again and Daichi forgot all thoughts about him. He put into his mind that you were the priority right now.

Acting immediately, he supported you as you tried to stand up. He then guided you to the door. Once he has opened it, he took the keys to his car and opened it.

He then assisted you to get inside at the back seat, fixing your seat belt on you. He then went into the driver seat and turned on the car. He hit on the pedals, dashing on the way the hospital.



That's the one thing to describe what Daichi's been feeling right now. Hours and hours, it all seemed to tick by like seconds from the restlessness that he's been feeling.

He doesn't know.

Inside the operating room, he doesn't know what's happening to you. His mind was too preoccupied by you that he even brushed away the aching feeling in his stomach. He couldn't bring himself to leave this place.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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