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If you want this to make sense, please know that @FritzTheGlitch posted a story dedicated to me and this is basically me making a shitpost in response.

The bale of hay sighed frustratedly after closing their laptop, it was exam time and they had wasted precious study time writing up a new story. But instead of dwelling on it, the bundle of straw (which is very much not a stand-in for a certain bro) walked out and into their living room, where they reclined and watched a few episodes of Super Awesome Neko Sugar Girls: The Super Awesome Neko Show. They wouldn't admit it to Angie, but their piece on Super Neko Sugar Girl was an absolute literary masterpiece that wholly deserved its show adaptation. 

With the continual buzzing of the television in their mind, the bale of hay drifted off to sleep.

"ive got u nkow you stupid sugar Neko gurl." a figure rumbledstiltskined

"o shitys" she cried, but stopped when she sees a glowing white light coming down from the dark dark dark shit dark sky.

da light blinded hte vollan and he let go of Super Neko Sugar Garl..,//!!

shr ran over to the person that had made the lighght.

"y u look like hay,,,,?!" she asked..."

the bundle glareeefed and sed f uc off u neko suger gerl knock-OFF.'

Super Neko Sugar Girl was so devastatoed that hse flell onto the grownd and died of salmonella

The hay bundle's non-existent eyes flew open as their dream was forcefully interrupted by the fact that they just killed their all-time favourite character, Super Neko Sugar Girl. They trudged back over to their room after turning off the TV, which was playing re-runs of an old show that kept repeating the line 'Mount Rock', and slumped onto the bed. 

They decided not to eat anymore of the food in the cupboard labelled 'Salmonella' ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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