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Can't you see
What I need to do
Is spread my wings
And fly?
Soar high into the sky
And be free.

But one day
Should my wings fail me
Give out from my endless flying
I would fall and crash.
But I know
You will be there to help me.
To mend my wings
So that I may fly again.

If my wings are broken
Beyond repair
I trust you
To make new wings
So my flights are not over
And we may fly together.
I will be your Icarus
And not heed your warning
To fly lower.
I will fly higher than ever before
And the wax
On my wings
Will melt.

There is one
Major difference
Between myself and the boy
Who flew too high:
I have you to catch me
And we may once again
Fly together.

Will you hold me
Just a little tighter?
I want to feel the warmth of your soul,
Feel what it truly means
To live.

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