This hurricane of fucking lies

I lost my faith to this

This town that don't exist

So I run, I run away

To the lights of masochist

And I leave behind

This hurricane of fucking lies

And I walked this line

A million and one fucking times

But not this time"

We both begin dying of laughter I am also crying.

"I like your music taste, and your face" Harry says smiling.

I laugh back and unbuckle my seat belt , I am stopped by Harry's soft lips pressing mine gently. It is a quick kiss but when it finishes it realives a very smily Harry grinning from ear to ear.

"I am going to ring Lou, can I connect to the thingy?" He says pointing towards my in car charger/speaker.

"Yes you can" I laugh.

Harry unplugs my phone I press the home button to see I have been spammed with tweets and follows. People must really like Beyonce. When Harry's phone begins charging I see the same thing. His eyes widen as he looks at me.

He begins typing and soon enough the phone is calling lou teasdale. It is on loud speaker.

"Harold" I hear a voice down the voice.

"Hello Lou, what you doing today?" Harry asks.

"Nothing much home with Lux, Lux say hi to Harry!" She says before a soft babyish voice comes down the phone saying " Harry!"

"Hello Lux precious, I was wondering if Louisa and I could come round for an hour or a bit?" He asks smiling.

"YES YES YES! I cannot wait to meet her! This is so exciting. Should I pop out to the shops? What food does she like? Does she like babies cos Lux is a lot to cope with?" She asks.

"Its fine we will bring some chocolate or something, she is here and can hear you so well done for making a fool of yourself" Harry laughs.

"Oh shit! Hello!" She giggles I assume she is talking to me.

"Hi" I softly say smiling she does she seem really nice.

"Right we will be round in a hour ok? Bye Bye Lux! See ya Lou" Harry says rushed as if he knows the conversation will go on and on.


We pulled up outside a little cute house, I was nervous yes she seems nice on the phone but what if she didn't like me hell I even changed out of my school outfit to try impress her. Outfit on Polyvore :)Harry seemed to notice it. Something suddenly hit me after thinking about it for a long time I came to a conclusion on who I was going to bring to the brits.

"Harry!" I said loudly causing him to jump as he parked, opps.

"Louisa!" He shouts back taking to piss out of me.

"You know the whole brits thing?" I ask and Harry nods smiling.

"Well I've decided who I wanted to bring, basically I get to bring one person to walk to red carpet with and get 4 people to bring" I said excited.

"Basically I was going to invite mum shannon and you but my mum doesnt think she belongs there, so will you Harry Edward Styles to the honors to walk down the red carpet and later be acompined by Shannon Lia and Perrie to acctually be at the brits?" I say gushing.

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