The help request

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When the queen got up she saw her guards dead on the ground and in despair went to look for the stone of Jasmine to discover that they had stolen the stone asked aid to three princes of other realms they were: Bradley, Jhow and Higara.

Higara narrated
I had just taken a bath and was shirtless when someone knocks on my door and I put on a shirt running.
-Higara: To enter
Butler, I'm sorry, my highness.
-Higara: It's okay not to bother, but why are you here?
-Mermaid: An important message has arrived for your Highness. .
-Higara: And what's the message?

I hate it when they go in with formalities.

-Mermaid: Here it is.

He handed me a letter on yellow paper addressed in ruby ​​red ink and had a red wax seal with the figure of a precious stone.

Butler: Can I withdraw my prince?
-Higara: Of course.

The message contained the following words:

Dear prince Higara is with piece that I acclaim for your help, his skills are well known and he has done great prodigies.
The situation is of temou for our whole world considering that the jasmine stone was stolen.
In addition to your help I count also with the help of princes Bradley, Jhow.
I count on you!

Signed Queen Luiz.

I'm going to go, I foresee a lot of convulsion, I'll call a butler to pack my bags and I'll take a look at the jasmine stone.

Bradley narrated

I was a coach when I was interrupted by a servant who was carrying a message for me, the message said:

Prince Bradley would like to summon you to help me on a matter of utmost importance I assume you know about the red stone, it was stolen from my palace.
In addition to his help I also count with that of Prince Higara and Prince Jhow.

Signed Queen Luiz.

That that idiot and all-knowing thing about Prince Higara was also called, that's all the confusion.

Jhow narrated
I was having an afternoon tea when I received the following message:

Dear Prince Jhow, I would like to ask for your help with a very important subject.
I am counting on your help and that of the princes Higara and Bradley.

Signing Queen Luiz.

This queen Luiz ta crazy joins the Higara and Bradley goes from confusion the two are very stubborn, this will give fight.

Narrator narrated
The princes arrived at the same time.
-Higara: Good morning Jhow, Bradley.
-Bradley: Good morning Jhow, Higara.
The last name came out a little forced.
-Jhow: Calm down guys, Agent just came in. Leave the fight for later. How long have not we seen each other?
-Higara: Since my mother's birthday ball.
-Jhow: Do not even remember that wonderful cake.

The boys went to introduce themselves to the queen.

-Rain: You were quick.
-Bradley: Who will be in charge?
Silence was clicking in the place the queen did not know what to answer and all three wanted to command and the rivalry between two of them grew steadily during those brief seconds that seemed like hours.
-Rain: I do not think you need a lirde.
Deep down, none of them could forget.
The next day everyone got up early, Higara suggested
Plans and often almost fought with Bradley.
When they heard a great roar in the throne room, and when the young princes entered the throne room they saw three young men, one of the color of fire that wore wine-colored clothes with a brooch with a stone as red as blood, another of hair Smooth browns and red clothes that matched his necklace that had a red stone, and the third had black hair and wore black garments like night pitch and on his head wore a strip with a red stone.

The boys were paralyzed before the giant beauty of the girls and they be harnessed that to attack them without defense Jhow was attacked by two men behind to look into his eyes saw that their minds were dominated meanwhile Bradley was struck on the wall by the red-haired woman Who will become a lioness and Higara was arrived in the air by a survey in the earth.
The princes recognized their enemies and began attacking with strength and perseverance in a moment Tsuguia and Higara were very close.
- Tsuguia: Knowing how to take the kingdom will require a handsome servant just like you.
He smirked.
-Tsuguia: Some problem prince.
He managed to tear it down and desama.
-Higara: It was bad but thieves do not make my type.
-Tsuguia: It's okay, nobody's going to do it when you're driving.

Meanwhile Jhow confronted Louyen and the five minds she controlled at the same time she tried to steal control of his mind.
Louyen: Let's give your mind to my little prince.
-Jhow: Never.
Louyen: That's what we'll see.
He managed to get rid of the minds she controlled and now he had the sword glued to her neck.
-Jhow: Give me one good reason why it does not end with you?

Meanwhile Bradley was fighting a different creature every now and then she was a trigger until he decided to hold her feathers with the feel that held her sword, her plan worked out and now she returned to the female form.

Through the door passed three strong young men with the queen like refem, the young ones were Jezz, Make and Gregorri.
-Gregorri: Now that you release them if you do not want our beloved dead hostess.
The princes with no choice unleashed their enemies.
-Gregorri: Um ... now it's time for royalty to go to the dungeon.
-Rain: do not release them!
-Gregorri: And we do not want to be?
-Rain: Fancy leave me here! You are the only hope that one day we have the stone back.
None of them had the courage to do this but if they saw no alternative they were hurt and could come back in a few weeks to rescue the queen.
Jhow just nodded and Bradley swallowed the siege and looked at the queen with the look that he was sorry for leaving behind, already Higara looked down and made a voice to speak what I never thought I would speak.
-Higara: We'll go back and we'll be saved, it's a promise for what I love the most.
At that moment he burst a capsule that made the room smoke-filled and the three of them jumped out the window and took refuge in a dark and cold alley.

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