The Experiment

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(Listen to video while reading this chapter.)

Sheldon and Leonard arrive at the lab. They put their stuff down on the floor by the door. Sheldon and Leonard walk over to the table. Sheldon starts to get stuff ready on the table.

"So how are we going to make the cure for cancer?" Asked Leonard. "It's going to be harder to make it from scratch."

"Oh, we're not going to make it from scratch." Sheldon responded. "We're going to try trail and error with the lab rats."

"Same thing as what I said about starting from scratch." Leonard said as he crossed his arms. "But still, how are we going to do this?"

"We make some thing, then we give it to the lab rat." Sheldon said as he gestured to the lab rat.

"You know that 'lab rat' has a name." Leonard said as he walked over to it. "His name is Newton."

"Scientific research says that when you give an animal a name, you get attached to it." Sheldon said with a smart tone as he turned around.

"Raj gave it the name." Leonard said.

"No wonder he's still alive." Sheldon said.

Leonard gave a small chuckle. "It's true." He said as he walked to Sheldon. "No wonder he gives a fifteen minute argument about why not to use him."

"He gave me one when I wanted to use him in an experiment test." Sheldon responded. "Want to use him while Raj isn't here?"

"Yes." Leonard responded quickly. "Lets do this."

"Ok." Sheldon said with a smile. He then gets up and grabs a miniature maze and puts it on the table. Leonard grabs Newton and puts him in the maze.

"Now what?" Leonard asked.

Sheldon grabs a white board on wheels and wheels it over to the chemistry set. He then grabs different color expo markers, white board spray and cloth. "We do math!" Sheldon exclaimed excitedly. He then starts writing on the white board. "Want to join?"

"It looks too fun." Leonard says as he walks over to the maze to watch Newton. "I don't want to get overwhelmed."

"True. You need to watch your heart." Sheldon says as he writes on the board. He then stars to hum something. The humming then turns to singing. "Do we dooooooooo dooo wee doooo do do do do da doooooo."

Leonard then joins in. "Dun dun da dun dun dun da duuunnnnn"

"We're hard core nerds." Sheldon says as he turns to Leonard.

"Nerds who know every Doctor Who theme song." Leonard says with a smile. "How's the math coming along?"

"It's going well." Sheldon responded. "I think we should test it."

"Lets put on lab coats and mix some chemicals." Leonard says as they go over and grab lab coats and goggles.

Leonard and Sheldon then start mixing the chemicals that Sheldon wrote on the board.

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