Chapter I

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"Stay here, River." Sterling warned her. His eyes focused on her as they glistened with neglected tears. He knew well what's about to happen.

River sat against a wall clutching her side as small amount of blood covered her fingers. 'How could I let this happen? Now out of all of the times?' The thought ran through her mind as she recalled the werewolf attack which happened just a few moments ago. She shifted to sit up and quietly groaned the moment the pain got sharper. "It's not like I can go far." she murmered, reassuring Sterling everything will be fine. "It's just a claw scratch. I'll be fine."

The dark skinned man crouched in front of her taking a hold of her non bloodied hand and squeezed it in a form of comfort. Both could hear footsteps approaching. "The Vasilievs will be in here soon." Sterling pressed a soft kiss to her temple before letting go and standing up. A loud sound of a metal gate opening was heard as James' and Blake's voices called out for Sterling and River.

"Riv, you know what to do..." he asked River who grew sceptical of her adoptive father's actions, but she knew that it was the only way. "...don't you?"

"Yes, dad." River nodded and slumped back against the wall. Air filled her lungs while she took deep breaths to calm her from the lack of oxygen. "Go before they burst in."

"What about your wound?"

"Don't. Not now. Go!" River waved it off and encouraged him to go. "Hurry!"

Sterling backed a few steps, but then ran forward and gripped the windowsill to help him climb up. He pushed the windows open and jump a story down landing on the muddy ground on his feet, thankful for the army issued combat boots because without them he would be stuck in mud.  Two blinding lights were pointed st his face in a matter of two seconds which made him put up his forearms to cover the flare from blinding his eyes.

"Reid, thank God!" he recognized James' voice and the other guy pointing the flashlight who stood next to James was his son Blake. They averted the beams of light to the ground and Sterling lowered his arm. "You had us so bloody worried."

"Yeah, yeah," Sterling retorted sarcastically, but even in the dark it was clearly visible how his facial expression changed to angry as he looked at the flashlights. "Are you insane? Turn them off! Werewolves are still running around and the Vasilievs are in there!" his voiced filled with frustration, but hushed.

"The Vasilievs?" James questioned. "What brings the royal vampire family out here?"

"I don't know." Sterling said while his voice trembled at the thought of what just happened.

Blake took a step towards him and looked around. "Reid, where is River?" he asked in a slightly panicked way. Sterling shook his head and looked at the ground. "Where is she?" Blake whispered.

"She got clawed by a werewolf." Reid exhaled. Thoughts of his daughter clouded him as he silently prayed she will stay alive. "Deep."

"And you left her inside?!" Blake yelled out and pushed Sterling to the side to get space for climbing up.

Sterling had the physical advantage of being taller and stronger and pulled Blake down, dropping him on the wet ground. "She lost a lot of blood already. I didn't want to leave her with the Vasilievs, but I know they need her to get to us and they won't kill her."

"So you're going through with our plan?" James raised an eyebrow.

"Do we have a choice? If she survives until they get to her, she'll be fine."

If she survives until they get to her, she'll be fine. River heard it through an open window her father left. She struggled to keep her eyes open. Losing all of the blood made her loopy and her vision blurry, not that she could see much on the dark. "Just a bit longer." she whispered to her self.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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