the punk rock dude and his cute boyfriend {Mashton AU}

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''Well show me, you idiot'' Ashton said and didn't give Michael the chance to answer as he kissed Michael again, tongues wrestling with each other as Ashton's

hands flew up to Michael's hair and messed it up as he tugged. Michael's lips was fast to find that particular spot where he knew Ashton was weak at as he bit lightly,

sucking and kissing until there was a proper purple bruise right there on his collarbone.

      The bell rang, signalling lunch and Ashton jumped up with a  grin. ''I promised Calum and Luke you'll meet them!'' 

Michael groaned, spreading his legs and arms on the ground.

''Nooo, I want you on top of me agaiiiin'' He whined and Ashton rolled his eyes with a fond smile as he dragged his boyfriend up on his feet.

They walked in the school hallway and Michael put an arm around Ashton, pulling him closer so their sides were pressing against each other.

Michael tried to ignore the whispers and stares they got as he kissed Ashton's hair once in a while.

''wait, is that.. Michael Clifford?''

''Oh my god Michael Clifford is back!''

''Why is Ashton with him?''

''Maybe they're dating!''

''He just kissed Ashton! They are totally dating!''

         Calum and Luke were too busy throwing fries at each other, they didn't notice the couple walking towards their table, every eye in the cafeteria on them as the 

famous bad boy, Michael Clifford walked in his with arm around the cutest and nicest senior in the school, Ashton Irwin.

''Luke! Calum!'' Ashton exclaimed, making them look up. Luke had looked up first which resulted in another fry thrown at his face and he shoved Calum off his seat.

''Oh hey Ash! Who- Oh.. Uhmm.. Hi.. Michael'' Luke blinked up once he saw Michael had an arm around his best friend.

''Michael? Oh, Ashton's boyfriend! Hi-'' Calum stopped his sentence as his brown eyes widened slightly at which Michael this was.

Ashton shook his head and turned towards Michael with a smile.

''Mike, this is Cal and Luke, my best friends.'' He introduced and Michael nodded at them.

''Guys, i think you know this is Michael'' Ashton said with a grin at his best friends.

''We-we uh.. know'' Luke replied, nodding.

''Uh babe, I'm gonna go get lunch. You want anything?'' Michael asked.

''Just a sandwich maybe'' Ashton answered, turning around to face his boyfriend who now had his arms around Ashton's waist.

''And coke?'' Michael asked and Ashton nodded before leaning in to place a quick kiss on Michael's lips before he left.

He sat down at the table where Calum and Luke were still staring at him.

''What?'' He asked, confused.

''Michael Clifford. You're dating Michael Clifford'' Luke stated.

the punk rock dude and his cute boyfriend {Mashton AU}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora