The Storm Runner

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Storms are a part of our lives. Each one varying in type, strength, and duration but a storm nonetheless.

One thing is certain though with storms, they are unpredictable. The saying 'take the world by storm' really does suit me well. Not only did I take the world by storm literally, but metaphorically as well.

I was born during a storm, one of the worst New York has ever seen, hence the reason why I was named Storm. Of course at the time my parents really didn't know how well the name would actually fit me. According to my grandparents, who took care of me ever since my parents died, I'm extremely unpredictable and rather moody just like a storm is.

Lately I've been thinking about storms and I'm not exactly sure why I've been thinking about them. Maybe, it's because I recently found out that I could create storms simply by imagining them in my mind as I was doing right now.

Just then a whisper of wind tugged a piece of my raven black hair out of the confines of my French braid. Then I imagined rain falling from the dark ominous clouds onto the parched fields below. Soon enough little drops of water fell onto my clothes causing them to stick to my body which was already wet from the sweat covering it.

Sweat I had acquired throughout this mental exercise and the run I had prior to this. The rain continued to fall and the wind continued to swirl yet no luminous bolts of lightning nor booms of thunder had joined this dangerous dance.

I reveled in the feeling of the wind swirling around my drenched body. Nothing could ever compare to this feeling. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure how I could have been contented without these abilities as I was mere days ago.

Time seemed to stop when I was creating storms despite the fact that the storms were brewing at an unnatural pace that defied time and nature. A pace that left many of the local meteorologists so puzzled that they were speechless when it was time for them to give their daily weather reports.

This amusing thought pulled my chapped lips into a lopsided-smile-that never went beyond a barely there smile. Finally snapping out of my thoughts I summoned a bolt of lightning that illuminated the dark skies in a frenzy of electrifying yellow.

Lightning was always the most magnificent sight of all. Its striking presence made the rest of the storm look like nothing more than a basic warm-up, not even worthy of performing on the same stage as lightning.

As most of you know, lightning is usually accompanied to the sounds of thunder. Today, though, I decided to let the lightning take center stage. I made sure all the energy I spent on the storm counted.

Every drop of rain fell in synchronization towards the abundant farm lands below. The wind touched every stalk of corn that occupied the fertile soils. And the lightning lit up every part of the sky that contained a cloud, whether the cloud be big or small; wide or thin; fluffy or condensed; or dark or light.

The storms will lead you to others, a small voice inside my head whispered. A voice I only heard in extremely rare cases, but it was most definitely a voice of wisdom since it is always right.

Occasionally it has crossed my mind that others may also share this ability. It just has never crossed my mind until now that maybe the breath-taking storms that happen all the time may be the very doings of people just like me.

Determined, I promised myself that I would try my best to find others like me. I was fully confident now that if I followed the storms I would find ones like me and I intended to do so.

This promise was sealed with the most impressive bolt of lightning so far. Its neon light casted a yellow tinge onto the small town I've known since I was seven including the not so humble abode of my grandparents which I planned to leave by tomorrow in search of people like me.

Author's Note: Oh my gosh. I feel like the passion for this story has returned. Anyways this story will from now on be the one and only Storm runner story. The other one has been changed into something else. Thank you so much! Luv ya all!


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